Kevin William David

Free Slogan Generator 2.0 - Get the right slogan for your business

Creating slogans with Logaster became even easier! Choose your industry and highlight business strength in a click. We completed our base with new slogans and improved the interface. Besides, you can now add slogans to Favorites and create the logo with them.

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Ihor Volkov
Hi! The Logaster slogan generator invites every entrepreneur to increase it and create his/her own slogan without wasting time and money! Filters help to highlight the strengths of the business right in the slogan: uniqueness, friendliness, price, simplicity, etc. Plus, you can save the options you like and get dozens of logo options with your slogan. Questions about this product?
Calum Webb
@ihor_22 Hey Ihor, what's new in the latest version?
Ihor Volkov
@calum Hi, Thanks for the question. In the new version, we have made/improved: - the ability to add slogans to and "Favorites" - differentiation of slogans by types of activities and general slogans for inspiration (for each type of activity) Improved this aspect and now slogans are better generated accordingly for the selected category - new design - integration with logo creation - finalized the mechanism of generating slogans
Randy Johnson
The best slogan generator on the web!
Okey Bosco
t is very convenient that you can choose a field of activity. I gave it a try and the service really does deliver high quality and smart slogans.
Mike Alon
I liked everything, very simple and straightforward to use. Thanks!
Matt Olevinsky
Useful! 1 more guy for brainstorming :)
Jonathan Williams
Thanks you. Great generator. It is very convenient that you can add your favorite slogans to Favorites.
Vladimír Seman
i like idea. however, i have tried it for IT company example and i get many generic slogans. how big is your database? and do you plan to enlarge it?
Ihor Volkov
@vladojsem Thanks for the question. The base of slogans is currently 500 options. Naturally, over time we will supplement and improve the options.
Interesting idea. The slogans feel a bit generic, though (at least for the one I tried—IT & Technology).
Ihor Volkov
@theshalvah Thank you for your comment. We’ll take this into account We plan to expand the base even more in the near future.
Tom Castro
Simple and straightforward design. I have already chosen several slogans for my business.
Wilson Amber
Great idea!Everything is very simple!
Faheem Ahmad
this is not free :(
Ihor Volkov
@faheem_ahmad I'm sorry, but you can generate a slogan for your business for free. You can also download the logo in a small extension for free. But if you want to get the logo in large extension or in vector format, then there is already a fee for that!