Godsreal Ojinnaka

LocalRamp - Let Africans buy & sell crypto on your website/app

LocalRamp provides APIs and widgets that enable businesses operating across Africa to easily provide crypto on-ramp, off-ramp, and swap services to their customers with local payment methods like bank transfers and mobile money.

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Godsreal Ojinnaka
Hi guys, I'm thrilled to introduce LocalRamp to you! Fiat <> Crypto ramps with bank cards don't work for everyone. LocalRamp provides APIs and widgets that enable businesses operating across Africa to easily provide crypto on-ramp, off-ramp, and swap services to their customers. Why Localramp? 1.) Local Ramp uses local payment methods such as bank transfers and mobile money which are cheaper, more reliable, and have wider coverage than traditional card payments. 2.) Support for over 120+ coins and 70+ chains and networks. 3.) Inbuilt compliance and KYC. Just plug and play! You can now easily onboard Africa's largest crypto markets into your crypto project with one integration! Just reach out to business@localramp.co
Oluwashina Peter
Great product. Good luck