Anisa Mirza

Litnerd Reading Club App - Helping students read


The Litnerd Reading Club App is now open for B2C enrollment (previously only available through schools and districts). Parents: enroll your child by June 19 to enter the Reading Tournament with $300 cash prize for the top reader!

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Anisa Mirza
Hi Product Hunt community, My name is Anisa and I am the CEO and Founder of Litnerd. We recently launched a new product called The Litnerd Reading Club App and I am excited to invite PH Community parents to give us a try! Our new and improved format to brings books to life! Our core mission remains the same - to help your child make daily reading a life long habit and improve their reading skills. Think of us as a book club meets e-gaming. The app is for ages 4-13. B2C DIRECT SIGNUP: Previously Litnerd was only available through schools and districts. Now Litnerd is open to parents to signup for the program directly! If you register by June 19, you can enroll your child in the Summer Reading Tournament where the top reader will win $300 cash prize! THE PROBLEM: The problem Litnerd set out to solve has always been to improve literacy rates and help kids fall in love with reading. Most kids read less than 4 minutes a day and over 42% of students fail the State ELA Reading Exam. This lack of literacy is a national crisis, contributing to the cycle of poverty. OUR IMPACT: On average Litnerd has improved kids daily reading time from less than 5 minutes to spending 30 minutes reading daily! We have also shown improvement in comprehension of up to 72% and phonics improvement of 48% in just 4 months of app usage! HOW IT WORKS: Our app has books that are turned into feature films and cartoons, original music, reading courseware to help improve reading skills. We also have a Weekly Live meetup where kids get to meet the author, an actor in the movie, a singer from one of the songs and more. They get to discuss the book in detail and answer LitQuiz questions to earn more Litcoin. Our app is unlike any other reading or book app for kids. Included in the Litnerd Reading App: Diverse ebooks for ages 4-13 - Movie and cartoon adaptations of each book (filmed in our downtown Brooklyn Studio). - Original Songs and Music to accompany each book (also available on Spotify). - Reading Courseware and mini lessons to accompany each book. - LitQuiz and Worksheets (these are pop quizzes and assignments that accompany each book and test in the areas of Phonics, Comprehension, Vocabulary and Phonemic Awareness). - Weekly Live Meetup to discuss the book your child is reading (with guest speakers, book author, actors and more). - Litcoin (our gamification and in-app currency - only earned through reading activities). - Litnerd Store (the place your child goes to redeem bitcoin. Kids can buy things like iPads, Scooters, Game Station and more). - VandRWorld Trading cards (kids can use Litcoin to purchase cards and power boosters that help them play the in-app game). - Tournaments! (Every month, students participate in a tournament for top reader of the month with past prizes including $1000 USD). $300 READING TOURNAMENT: If you would like to try Litnerd for your child, you can enroll in the upcoming Summer Tournament starting June 19! Top reader wins $300 cash prize.
Hootan Mahallati
I can't think of a more important topic than this for the youth of our nation. Absolutely love your mission! Curious: how are you different from Epic Reading?
Anisa Mirza
@hootan Thank you SO much, Hootan. Great question. So, Litnerd is not just a book library app like Epic. Instead we turn books into feature films with real actors for our movies. We turn every book into a movie adaptation, all available in the app. Furthermore, our app has a live weekly meetup. This is not just an app you use in silo as a kid. The Litnerd Reading Club app is a community and books are read in a cohort, along with the reading courseware associated with each book. Finally, Litcoin is all the craze and no other app has it ;)
Hootan Mahallati
@theanisamirza thanks for shedding more light. Sort of like Netflix for education meets a book club for kids. I think the entertainment aspect is a pretty clever GTM strategy (if you'll tolerate fellow founder speak). Again, I love mission-driven companies, seriously rooting for you all!
Anisa Mirza
@theanisamirza @hootan haha. We tolerate founder at Litnerd ;) thank you SO much. Seeing kids spending an average of 30 minutes daily in app (when they were previously reading less than 5 minutes a day) is something we are all insanely proud of. We also have seen compression, phonics and vocabulary improve for each grade level of students using the app. But we have so much more work to do! Excited for what’s next.
Hootan Mahallati
@theanisamirza @anisa_mirza 6x engagement with mind fuel is massive. That's just great, proof that the product is doing what you planned it to do.
Fawzy Abu Seif
This looks awesome. Congrats!
Anisa Mirza
@fawzyabuseif Thank you so much!! We’re thrilled to make an impact on literacy rates and super proud to say our readers spend an average of 30 minutes daily in app! But there’s so much more to come!
Prasenjit Mukherjee
Pretty sweet! Gamification FTW. How do the tournaments work?
Anisa Mirza
@pj_mukh Thank you! Tournaments run every month and as long as you are in the Litnerd Reading Club program you can opt into a tournament. Our last tournament winners won $1000 cash prize! Our current tournament has a $300 cash prize. You win by earning the MOST Litcoin (our in-app currency). You earn Litcoin by doing reading (1 minute of reading = 1 Litcoin), answering LitQuizzes in app (these are questions on phonics, vocabulary, comprehension. Each question is worth 4 Litcoin), Worksheets (worksheets test of the same things as LitQuiz but are worth 40 Litcoin!) and last but not least, by attending Litnerd Saturday Live and discussing the book. You can learn more here
Sacha Awwa
This looks great and I can see how it will make kids want to read books. I don’t actually recognize any of the book covers though. How do you select books featured in your app?
Anisa Mirza
@sacha_awwa hey Sacha! At Litnerd, we create original IP. All of our books are originals. We then turn those books into movies and create music for each book + create original reading courseware to correspond with each book. We have a lot of data on what works based on user engagements this helps us know which IP to turn into sequels etc. all books 📚 in our app have a Grade/Age level associated with them.
Melody Roberts
Looks like fun! I want the adult version.
Anisa Mirza
@melody_roberts haha. Thanks, Melody. Honestly, my friends were joking that if they could win $1000 for being a top reader (we have monthly tournaments with cash prizes or Litcoin prizes), they too would spend 40 minutes in app 😂
Neil Mathew
This is incredible and honestly should exist for adults as well! The fact that you got a 72% increase in reading comprehension in kids by embracing digital in a clever way is awesome. How frequently do you publish original content? And how does the experience vary for a 4 yr old vs a 13 yr old?
Anisa Mirza
@neilxm hey Neil! Thank you so much. As for your question, we release 3 new books every 7-12 days to our cohorts. The book includes a full 7-10 days worth of reading courseware that must be completed (there are daily tasks that you must complete in order to earn the day’s worth of Litcoin or you lose it! Kind of like streaks with duolingo). These 3 book releases also include movie and music + 4 Saturday Live sessions where our community gathers to discuss the book with the author, actor or guest moderator. As for ages 4 vs 13, all books are marked by Lexile Level (which helps the reader know the level they should be reading at for their age). A lot of our users are struggling readers and we absolutely encourage them to start with an easier Lexile book and our goal is that each month we are improving until they reach at least their Lexile level in books.