Victor César

My Custom Life - education


With the exchange of reliable information with users, provided precisely by anonymity and crossing of statistical data, with graphs to show you what really happens around you.

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Jacob A. Moura
Nice man!
Anderson Nunes
Good potential for data mining! Congrats! I hope someone put a lot of money on you! :D
Renato Junior
br br br
Victor César
@renatojunior Br na veia :)
Very innovative, awesome
Vilson Dauinheimer
Cool =D Keep on possibly having much future
Mto bom! Very good!
Jimmy Starling
Great product man ! Awesome
Vinícius Guimarães
Sylvio migliorucci neto
Nice app!
Tiago Martins Gontias
cool project
Lucas Migliorini
jhonny mosquera
mto legal
David Erik Paranhos
votei na live
Breno Ferreira
William Bauch
Great !!!
Caesar Cezar de Cesar
Estou esperando ansioso por este lançamento, boa sorte com os investidores!
Victor César
@caesarcc Olá, Caesar. Eu ainda estou em fase de busca de investidor, mas se o projeto vingar já sei quem entrevistar. Obrigado pelo comentário.
Gabriel Stamato
Great job! Awesome
Victor César
@gabriel_stamato Thanks Grabriel :)
Roberto Rodrigues
innovative app proud BR