Stanley Ojadovwa

Linkgage Pixelfy - Retarget anyone who clicks on the links you share

Easily add people into your retargeting audience and your funnel simply by adding Re-targeting Pixels from Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google Adwords to the link you share.

PS: We are giving away 20 Lifetime Licenses for our PRO Plan to ProductHunters at $129.

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Stanley Ojadovwa
Linkgage Pixelfy is the new kid on the block, shaking up how we retarget our audience and it’s dead simple to start. That same process that we’re all so familiar with: Get Content > Share on Social Media > Expect Engagement. The game has changed. Linkgage Pixelfy allows you to easily add people into your retargeting audience and your funnel simply by adding Re-targeting Pixels from Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google Adwords to the link you share. This means: - You no longer have to use engagement as your only growth signal - You get an accurate audience span based on relevant content you share from anywhere and anyone online - This is more than just a war of cookies Excited yet? That means, your ads about your new sneakers store, can be directed at an audience you only know too well, with content from media announcements in your industry, new releases from big brands, blog posts, lists, buzzfeed articles - the works.
Tod Maffin
So this is a competitor?
Stanley Ojadovwa
@todmaffin I can say it does similar thing as Retargetlinks and even more. We support Facebook, Twitter, Google Adwords, and LinkedIn Pixels. It seems Retargetlink, you must run your ads through them which is a kind of lock in most people wouldn't want.
Trell West
“Add a call-to-action to every link you share” is a way more succinct way of explaining what it is that you do! (A screen grab of that CTA on a site like forbes as in the demo would have been great to feature on here as well)
Stanley Ojadovwa
@trellwest Thank you for the suggestion. This is a actually a new feature to that. Our first submission has that explained already -