Smart of LinkedIn to create an app targeted toward younger audiences. @thekenyeung has a great overview of the app on VentureBeat.
Note: it seems like the app may not be available in the App Store or Google Play quite yet. This probably wasn't supposed to be announced Sunday evening.
@rrhoover Re: not supposed to be announced now vs. later: @thekenyeung's VB piece is well-researched with interviews with LinkedIn employees, so it's clear this piece has been in the works for a while—there's a press push behind this. If it wasn't supposed to be announced now, I'm guessing that's on VB and not LinkedIn. But I'm just looking in from the outside.
@thetylerhayes@rrhoover@thekenyeung actually, that is a LinkedIn mess up -- they put up not only the app's website on Sunday but the actual app in the Play store briefly "for testing" and it was flagged by diligent Android bloggers. No, it's not on VB as you're choosing to assume for whatever reason...
It's good to see LinkedIn finally creating something useful for students. Most of us have started to lose faith in it. Unfortunately it's becoming more of a place for recruiters to spam us with terrible job offers than a place to find real quality jobs.
@rbdgswg have you taken a career assessment? Plan to go to college? Which major? Contact me if any questions. I went to Lehigh for business and engineering.
Seems useful. I think all 9th graders should open a LinkedIn account and start to use it to track internships, build connections, etc, all through high school. Ali Afridi: "Most students already have internships or full-time jobs lined up" - I know lots and lots of students who don't...
I'm a huge LinkedIn fan but I always have trouble articulating to students why they should use it. This is a great first step. What they need to do is get professors and the school admins showing students how to use this.
@brynatweets I completely agree! The use-cases haven't been demonstrated and definitely are not articulated to many students and that alone can cripple their trajectory as well as thought process around careers.
I really like the feature of suggesting alums to reach out to, would love to give that a try. Seems like only suggesting one job at a time would make the app a lot more time intensive, will come down to how good their recommendation engine is.
Excited to give it a try once this is up on the app store. The job hunt process for college students definitely needs to be improved.
@alikafridi I agree with the suggesting alums point! I also think the suggesting one job at a time can be time intensive but that is how a lot of the "job searching" platforms are. Think Jobr ( Not sure if I completely agree with the methodology but hopefully at least some time is taken to think about each job. Unlike some people's swiping with apps like Tinder. 🤔
I'm a Senior (in College) right now. It takes a lot of effort and focus to effectively network with alums...especially as you search comparable starts/trajectories. This could be phenomenal in unlocking alumni as a resource for many who couldn't figure out how to effectively develop their networks before. (Full Disclosure: I have accepted a job @Linkedin after school)
@mark_cialone@linkedin My love for the "full disclosure" is by far my favorite part of your comment! But I agree. Great opportunity in the pipelines. 🙌
LinkedIn with its massive network has a golden opportunity here. Perhaps as an added value, they should Link-In students with mentors who pursued similar career trajectories as the new grads are interested in exploring.
I sure wish I had better guidance getting out of school but hey we all learn over time =)
@sarthakgrover check out You can enter your major and see similar career trajectories or paths that others haven taken with the same background.
@jonahengler What do you like about it? Out of interest, playing with it all it did is reccomend I look at consulting jobs, showed me IBM as a potential employer and try to show me an article.
Not sure what this adds to my experience beyond just browsing the Linkedin website. Seems like it's asking me the same questions and showing me the same info/articles.
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