Hey hunters,
So did you know that one of the main influencing factors on our sleep is light intake?
That’s right, light absorbed through the non-visual receptors in our eyes basically help control our 24-hour cycle and understanding how light intake in real-time affects our body can help improve our sleep massively.
So we developed a sensor that basically captures the same light you do in real-time and feeds this into an app that tells you how it makes your body feel. There is a real-time bar that fluctuates between sleepy and energised and a more detailed 24-hour clock where you can set your wake up and sleep time and we’ll tell you if you’re getting enough and the correct type of light throughout the day.
We created this product as we got really frustrated with the sleep tech out there and how it is all almost entirely focused on measuring how well we sleep. But you already know if you slept well or not when you wake up. We wanted to make a product that could help us understand what influences our sleep and how we can use this insight to create actionable feedback for positive behaviour changes.
Here is an overview of the app. I’m really excited to hear what you all think of the design and concept.