Kevin William David

AniCollection - The easiest way to find, use and share CSS3 animations.


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Pete Groves
Hi, I have a question? Any relationship between AniJS, AniJS Studio and AniCollection?
Dariel Noel
@petegrovess We are trying to build a ecosystem here. To help to all Designers, Web Designers and Web Developers to make awesome things quickly and easily. There are three main pieces: AniJS - A Library to Raise your Web Design without Coding AniJS Studio - A visual tool to add animations to any web without coding. AniCollection - The easiest way to find, use and share CSS3 animations. If we put all them together, will be interesting. Unfortunately, we need money to achieve this goals. We need to find some people or companies that can help us. What are you think??
Ben Halpern
Very nicely done.
Dariel Noel
Thank you very much for backed on KickStarter. Will be a pleasure work together. If you have any question about the campaign or about the product, please be free to ask when you want. Maybe you could take a look to AniJS, which is also a piece of the ecosystem. By the way, nice designer's collection. Best, Dariel
Pete Groves
I think that this tool could be very useful for Web Designer and developers. We can easily find fancy css3 animations, picking it, and integrate with the existing code. Really useful!!!!
Nice! Saved me a lot of my time! Neat, and to the point, nice work!
Pete Groves
OMG: That sounds very interesting. I am going to talk about it with my teammates ;)
Saijo George
@dariel_noel This is awesome , I just backed your Kickstarter campaign . Also I have added this to my designer's collection :
Dariel Noel
Nice librarys too :)
Alberto Román Vieito
Someone say make it easy... You got it!!!