Leave Design
Get your pitch deck updated instantly by pro designers
Leave Design β€” Get your pitch deck updated instantly by pro designers
Get your Startup Pitch Deck or Business Presentation updated instantly by Pro Designers.
Ken Savage
Cool idea @hewnax. Would I be able to show you a current design I like and you would be able to retrofit my plain looking PowerPoint?
@hewnax @kensavage Thank you! You mean if you show an example of a design that you like, so that we can do something similar with your presentation? If so, yes! You can attach a link to a source that you like in the designer's note.
Hi hunters! πŸ–– Max here, co-founder of Leave Design. We know how painful it can be to make a stylish and professional Pitch Deck design. That's why we made this service to help startup founders, entrepreneurs, product owners, businessmen, product managers β€” almost everyone who has made a presentation/pitch deck and seeks a professional eye to pinpoint some of the defects in their designing endeavor. And most importantly, for those who want to save their time and effort in finding the right professional. Meet https://leave.design πŸ”₯ A tool for quick matching a professional designer to update the design of Pitch Deck/Presentation. How does it work? πŸ€” πŸ‘‰ Sign up to start (this will take less than a minute); πŸ‘‰ Upload a slide or a full presentation (it can be PDF, PPT, PPTX, PNG, JPG); πŸ‘‰ Select a style you want to update to (for now there are 6 amazing styles to choose from. We will add more soon); πŸ‘‰ Wait until your design is updated. We will match the best designer for you (the design of 1 slide usually takes one to two hours to update); πŸ‘‰ Your new design is ready! (Just download it) Enjoy and let us know what you think, and please don’t hesitate to leave a comment or reach out to us directly! β€” Max and Team P.S. This is the side project we made from 0 in just 5 days. Therefore, there may be some bugs there, or maybe not πŸ˜‰. We will gradually update and improve service.
Lex Trukhin
@hewmax Cool stuff! Actually interesting idea. You mentioned you build it in 5 days? Wow! How many people worked on it then? :)
@hewmax @lextrukhin Thanks Lex! 5 people, we didn't expect that we would finish it so quickly :D
Roman Ananyev
@hewmax, excellent and simple idea! I hope that more founders will be able to show their unicorns better and understandable. Cool! P.S. I also think that commercial offers can be improved for sales teams ;)
@hewmax @d34dr007 Thanks, Roman!
Junwon Park
Outsourcing pitch deck design makes perfect sense. Empowering founders do what they do best, removing this randomization.
Alexander Us
This is a very cool idea. I looked at site and the scheme of work, I liked your approach. If you need additional presentation designers, I will be very happy to help.
Martin Bloksa
Iiiinteresting stuff Max, what lead you to building this?
@martin_bloksa Hey Martin, thank you for your support! We just wanted to take a break from the long development cycle of the Ench.app. So decided to quickly make such an app. "Startup weekend in real circumstances" 😏
Lora Stokratiuk
Cool! How many pitchdecks are you ready to manage at the same time?
@scrabbly_girl Thank you! Now we can manage a small number of orders at the same time, but we have already started to connect more designers.
Paul Nica
This seems super cool. I'm surprised you managed to build it so fast
Rashika Ahuja
The great part about this service is the CTAs they have used.
Anna Pozniak
A helping hand for startups :)
Kseniia Kudrytska
Wow! It`s really cool!
Looks awesome!
Sanzhar Zhussupov
@peenplush thanksπŸ‘Œ
Max Prilutskiy
Launching soon!
Looks nice!