"Quelque car putain putain meilleur du coup rendre dans l'cul. Si meilleur merde. Vin ouais me ouais à la dans l'cul comprendre et aussi ouais omelette manger passer apéro." Wow that's violent! 😅 (native speaker here)
@juliens_me wow Le French generator became so rude. Maybe because @jurn_w asked to @rameerez to add new social practices to help the generator to adapt to a parisian environment.
@jurn_w@rameerez@yesnoornext@akdm_ And as a South representative, I must say that the large use of "putain" is pretty accurate, it's often used as a comma here... 😆
@juliens_me@jurn_w@rameerez@yesnoornext Thanks! I will have a new MBP soon too, I am waiting for the 6 cores Coffee Lake version that should be announced on June :) (believe it or not, but I still didn't tried KnightTouchbar2000 on a real MBP since I made it 😭)
@toddsoulas@yesnoornext HAHAHA so funny. We were not inspired by this clip, unfortunately 🤣 But I'd be exactly like that guy in the vid:
– Parlez-vous le Français?
– Eeeehhh...
– Parlez-vous le Français?!
– Uuuhm...
– Non
Except now I can use Le French Generator to get away with it 😆
@akdm_ I know (native speaker here too). @rameerez is working on it. Atm it’s a very young french text generator, very rude sometimes. It has to learn the good manners.
For those who doesn't want to google Franponais : Its a small French horse, a pony to be exact. Not to be confused with the Japanese Cat Pony (le chaponais)
Thanks for your feedback Sven, @rameerez is training the French generator’s neural network to improve the experience. It’s a work in progress, months of work without any sleep. Franponais looks cool, never heard of it before. Maybe it could beat the Turing test.
I don't any reason for this website to exist. It can only offend French people like me which usually are quite good at making fun of themselves. At least if you want to make fun of people, do it right...
Sentences make no sense in french. Mostly clichés and
Knight TouchBar 2000
Knight TouchBar 2000
Women Make
Whenever I want to look clever I go on http://rameerez.com/frenchgenera...
Pros:This is poetry.
Knight TouchBar 2000
You should provide APIs for testing ideas with this technology.
Pros:The generated text is never the same
Very likely this site will be used to generate American High School French exams in the near future.
Pros:Great way to see if you understand French.
Cons:Vocabulary could be increased.
Quite useless. You give the impression you want to be French, but give away that you do not speak it at all. It looks like Franponais. Google that.
Pros:It makes you look French, I guess, for non French speakers. At least the words are spelled correctly
Cons:It shows you do not understand the French language at all. The sentences mean nothing and do not make sense. Just words in random order.
I don't any reason for this website to exist. It can only offend French people like me which usually are quite good at making fun of themselves. At least if you want to make fun of people, do it right...
Cons:Sentences make no sense in french. Mostly clichés and
inappropriate words.