Pablo Stanley

Latinxs Who Design - A directory of thriving Latinxs in the design industry.


Latinxs Who Design is a living directory of thriving Latinxs in the design industry. Our mission is to provide a space to find outstanding people to follow, look for a mentor, make new friends, or discover talented latinxs to join your team.

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Pablo Stanley
Hola, amigxs! Really happy to launch Latinxs Who Design on Product Hunt. This is a living directory of thriving Latinxs in the design industry. Our mission is to provide a space to find outstanding people to follow, look for a mentor, make new friends, or discover talented latinxs to join your team. If you want to nominate a latinx, please use the “nominate” button. Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions 😉
@pablostanley The layout is so beautiful and simple, like how I can filter by specialism. Nice work 👏🏽
Pablo Stanley
@abadesi Thank you, Abadesi. That's so kind of you.
Ray Besiga
This is really cool, Pablo! Like all your other work, it is simple but with a highly efficient payload. I am thinking to build something similar for Africans in design so thanks for the inspiration! 😄
Pablo Stanley
@raybesiga Hey, Ray! That's dope!!! I used @webflowapp to create this. I made the project “clonable” so other people can create their own list. In case you wanted to use it as a starting point, here it is:
Ryan Hoover
I see a few friends on this list! (@grlalx @maycupcake) How are you planning to keep this updated and do you add everyone nominated, @pablostanley?
Pablo Stanley
@grlalx @maycupcake @rrhoover Two more people are helping maintaining the profiles—they've been superheroes. For now we're accepting all latinx designers. We have been discussing about setting some filters, but haven't really settled on something. Do you have a suggestion?
Ryan Hoover
@pablostanley that's a tough one! You want to be inclusive and welcoming, if hundreds of people reach out every week, it'll be challenging to manage and potentially lose some of its value. One approach is to have very clear, transparent guidelines that align with your purpose for being added. Maybe everyone needs to have worked on a product that's shipped. 🤔
Pablo Stanley
@rrhoover that’s a great suggestion. I’ll refer to the team and the group. Thank you so much for the thoughtful response.
Ilana Milkes

Perhaps adding a "JOIN" button right away would help designers interested in joining?


SUPER LIKE! Bringing diversity and visibility to our world!


How can I join?

Pablo Stanley
Hey, Ilana. Thank you so much for the suggestion! You can nominate yourself or another latinx using the “nominate” button 😉 But you're right. Maybe it's a bit hidden or the label is not too obvious?
Bhargav Shah
It's Latino...
Dario Figueroa
@bhargavz Latinx is the gender-neutral alternative to Latino and Latina. It's inclusive of people who are trans, non-binary, queer, gender non-conforming, agender, or gender fluid.
Dario Figueroa
@bhargavz since you know our culture better, could you define Latino to me?
Tatiana Mac
@bhargavz Latinx encompasses Latino, Latina, and Latinx. By using Latinx, it supports people using any of the three. If you identify as Latino, I support that—and so does the word Latinx. And it's not *your* culture. It's @dariofigs 's culture, too. So his opinion is just as meaningful as yours. 👋
Will Phillips Jr.

This is like everything I wanted that I didn't know I was missing. LOVE IT!!!




I wont get anything done now cause I wanna talk to my latinx design friends!

Greg 'X' Willis
Where's the dark-skinned latinos at?
Pablo Stanley
@greg_x_willis You can add people using the “nominate” button! 😉
Hey @pablostanley brazilian designer's can get to the list? They call us Latin also 😂😅 just kidding or not xD :p
Pablo Stanley
@zumbizeiraa Yes! Brazilians are super welcome!!! Feel free to nominate yourself (theres's a “nominate” button in the side bar)
Jason Brown
Jorge Dieguez
Awesome resource of awesome people!
Pablo Stanley
@jorge_dieguez Gracias, Jorge!
Rui Parada
Amazing @pablostanley ! Clean Product. Love the filters simplicity. I would prefer that the profile photo animation changes only to one color for different filter ... But everything is amazing! Love the Product!
Pablo Stanley
@ruiparada Thank you for the suggestion, Rui! That's really thoughtful of you. Do you mean changing the color to a duotone using only one hue?
Rui Parada
@pablostanley YES :) ! I really love all the black & white concept, and I think the duotone on the profile animation (different color for each filter) will fit perfectly with all the neutral concept !
Edison Espinosa
Love being part of the community. We're all collectively crashing through glass ceilings and breaking through closed doors.
Pablo Stanley
@edisonjoao6871 Love to have you there, Edison <3

Latinxs Who Design is a great way to celebrate the creative diversity of the Latinx community. Go check it out and nominate someone!


Helps elevate the visibility of an under-represented group in the creative world.



julivajuli Design

It is a great effort by Pablo Stanley for unify the latin designer community


A forming latin community, share, talk and meet people around the world working in tech industry, branding and design related



Branden Thornton
This is awesome! Love seeing this - great job 👍🏾 Growing up (and living) here in the South, I haven't met many Latinx designers, so this is really great to see!
Polo Garcia ⚡️
@hellobranden Thanks Branden 🙌 hopefully you'll meet more now <3
Samit Saenz
@pablostanley Great initiative, it would be nice if add a filter by country ;) what do you think?
Irma Mesa
This is awesome!
Pablo Stanley
@irmatable Thank you, Irma <3
Andrea Mata

I expect lots of collaborations happening!


It's a great initiative to share opportunities and work around the community.



Andrea Soverini
Wait... are Italians latinxs enough? I'd think so! 😄
Tatiana Mac

Very excited for this community to thrive and to see it succeed.


Provides easy resource for folks to hire Latinx designers, encouraging better representation. No more excuses!


So many designers to hire, so little time! :)