Olly Meakings

Landing Pages Explained - The best landing pages explained by the creators


The only collection of leading SaaS and creator landing pages with expert explanations of the ideas used to increase conversion. Go beyond what looks pretty and understand the copy, design, structure, sections, offers and flows of leading pages.

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Olly Meakings
Hey Product Hunt! Me and @wilsonsquared are ecstatic to submit our new project for your consideration. As a landing page expert I've "roasted" over 800 pages, now it's the turn of the page creators to explain the decisions they've made. There are lots of directories of nice looking landing pages. But to be REALLY useful, we need to go behind what looks good. ✨ Why did you use this copy? ✨ Why did you add that section? ✨ Why that call-to-action? ✨ What platform is this built on? ✨ What informed this decision? ✨ What testing did you do? ✨ How many customers did you speak to? Landing Pages Explained features great looking creator and founder landing pages AND explanations from the people who created them, or other landing page experts. We're already featuring over 40 pages, and will add at least 5 more every week. Would love to know what you think, please leave a comment.
Dominik Sumer
love it! when creating new landing pages all of us get inspirations from other, well-performaing LPs and having such a resource with detailed explanations for each decisions, is really helpful congrats on the launch! 🥳
Olly Meakings
@dominiksumer Thank you Dominik!
Wilson Wilson
👋🏽 Hey Hey Product Hunt! Super happy to finally launch this! Meet Landing Pages Explained! @helloitsolly and I have worked super hard to get this out today! There are thousands of landing page directories out there. But none of them explain the WHY. 🎨 The design ✏️ The copy 🎁 The offer 🍭 The sections 🔗 The platform Until now. Landing pages explained features the best landing pages from SaaS companies and Creators, with in-depth, annotated explanations about why they're made that why Building this was a ton of fun. Would loooove to know what you think! 🙏
Gareth Davies
💡 Bright idea
This looks brilliant. I'll definitely be taking a lot of inspiration from here. On feedback, it would be great to get a higher resolution version of some images on the page. E.g. The Notion case study is quite hard to read. Shared this with colleagues and some peers. Thanks for compiling all of this!
Wilson Wilson
@gareth_davies Thanks a ton for the feedback. We'll see if we can upscale that one!
Jesse ✌️
This is SICK. Gonna dive in later tonight on the iPad to help improve my own landing pages, they need so much work haha.
Olly Meakings
@jessethanley You have a great landing page at bentonow.cow - as well as a great product. Would love to see you featured on Landing Pages Explained.
Dominik Sobe
Wow, this site is an absolute game-changer for anyone looking to optimize their landing pages! The expert explanations of the various ideas used to increase conversion are invaluable and go far beyond just what looks pretty. Highly recommend this resource to anyone looking to improve their website's performance and attract more customers! 💪
Olly Meakings
@sobedominik Thank you, and it's awesome to learn more about Helpkit too!
Max T.Pham
Congrats Olly & team on launching of such a cool tool & good idea! It's always valuable to understand the reasoning behind decisions made in a landing page & learning from that, also it will help to list & promote the page with unique idea to other creators.. Will submit my page to your platform, Good luck!
Olly Meakings
@maxtpham Thanks Max. Glad you like it and hope you learn lots. I'm also excited to see your submission and share it with our audience.
outstanding learning opportunity....than you for creating this!
Olly Meakings
@simon_s_j Thank you Simon
Jacob Anderson
This is exactly the kind of tool I YEARN for every time I come to a blank canvas with a landing page. Not just a swipe file either, and not just one marketer’s perspective. Amazing resource. Not surprising though, coming from Olly and Wilson! Keep it up guys.
Olly Meakings
@jacobanderson Thank you so much for your thoughtful reply and compliments. Lots more opinions and pages to come too!
Carlos Virreira
Love it! Inspired me to iterate my landing page a few times today!
Olly Meakings
@carlos_virreira Awesome. Any ideas you liked on there?
This looks fascinating 🤔 Congrats on the Launch 🚀🚀
Jay Rowley
I've definitely found myself thinking 'I feel like I know what good design looks like, but I couldn't tell you why' – this sounds like such a useful resource!
Volkan Kaya
Very valuable resource. Wish the text was easier to read, also some filters on the home page would be nice to sort by company type etc. I know you guys move fast so look forward to v2.
Olly Meakings
@volkandkaya Thank you! We've already made it so that you can click the page to load a higher-res version. We improved guidance for people submitting. We'd also like you to submit Versoly!
Stefan Wirth
Looking Gouda boyzzz
Jose Eduardo Saura
I would love this in a technical pov!
Olly Meakings
@jose_eduardo_saura Could you give me an example of the types of thing you'd like to know. We can always ask more questions.
Jose Eduardo Saura
@helloitsolly in a awwwards like website I'd love to know for example. This animation is done with Webgl like this, or the concept was made from threejs like that. Maybe is too much
Liz Hermann
Cool idea! Congrats on the launch!
Luca Restagno
Hey Olly & Wilson — congrats on the launch! 🙌 Pretty cool idea! It's not just another directory of good-looking landing pages, but an actual platform that explores the why behind the design choices. Genius! I love how you've included explanations - that's a real goldmine of knowledge for people looking to create their own landing pages. And the fact that you're adding 5 new pages each week is awesome - you're really keeping the content fresh. I'm definitely going to use it for my future projects 💪
Luo Baishun
Congrats on the lunch, Olly and Wilson! Love the idea!
Olly Meakings
@luobaishun Thank you! Please feel free to add your site!
Jamie Northrup
This is incredible Olly, what an easy and visual way to learn and get inspiration for my own landing pages.
Nikita Kazhin
It's like a marketplace but for landing page ideas. If you made a collection where you explain everything all by yourself, that alone would be amazing. But adding a submission mechanism so it grows without you doing all the work takes it to the level of brilliant.