Chris Evans

Freelancer Rate Calculator - Calculate your day and hourly freelance rate


Calculate your day and hourly freelance rate from your desired annual income.

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Chris Evans
Hey there Product Hunters! A few weeks ago I launched Lancerlist, a platform for finding freelancers in your city. One issue many freelancers have when they start out is they don't know what rate to set. Setting your rate can be hard and while I recommend you do research into other freelancers rates in your city, another way can be to reverse engineer it from your desired annual income. I've therefore built this calculator, it's meant to be a rough guide, not definitive and you can play with the parameters. Have fun!
@madebycrevans love the simplicity. Would be cool to have a feature that modifies it based on the cost of living where you live.
Cool calculator. Does it account for social security / taxes? I mean the gross income of a freelancer should be always higher than the equivalent gross income for an employee , considering that when hired a company covers some costs. That’s the hard part to calculate and I wonder if your calculator covers that or not.
Dennis Ruske
You should include tax. so the question is: How much do you want to have after tax?
Edoardo Rainoldi
Very simple but helpful! 😊
Romero Mckay
Very cool!
Julie Chabin
Nice little calculator!
cool design!
David Miranda
If you need more options to help you calculate your rate (e.g. expenses, taxes, savings), I'd recommend this awesome free tool that was made by a freelancer: http://freelance-calculator.arti...
János Kovács
Im, not speak English! Sorry. Im haus, Europe, Country; Hungarian ( Magyarország) from Budapest city.
Rahul Bareja
Great job! Pretty simple but effective. A couple of suggestions to make it more effective: It would be great if you can also add a filter of type of freelancing since the pricing does differ based on services. Secondly, is there a way to add to average/mean price for that service as well? If yes, then adding that can make it a go to thing for every freelancer. Just some suggestions. What do you think?
Great work!
Jérémy Chevallier
Cool onboarding experience! You need to make your URL field smart enough to recognize URLs without the protocol, or simply auto-add it for users. That’s my biggest pet peeve with forms :) Anyway, loving the minimalist design. Reminds me of Pioneer. The rate calculator is great as well, I like it better than because it allows you to customize the percentage of non-billable time. I’d love to collaborate on resources for freelancers! Check out and feel free to shoot me an email