Chris Messina

Kudos - A social network for kids

Top Hunter

Kudos is designed to inspire our future athletes, artists and doodlers, young explorers, bookworms, little rockers, and computer whizzes to have the courage to express themselves, to create, to co-exist, connect and to respect one another.

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Hardik Shah
It's really great app and absolutely incredible designs. But do we really think that kids should be addicted to social media in that age?
Ole Vidar Hestås
Hi @shahhardik22 :-) I agree, but the point is that they do - more than 100 million kids (5-12) is already on Snap, Instagram and Facebook -and this is not a place for kids to learn how the real world look like - it is really not good! And as a parent I can only tell what I do not like, but I can't stop the evolution alone - So we made a new concept, that can be very scalable and profitable without making a "bad place" for the kids. No advertising or hidden buys. And by listening and talking to hundreds of thousands of kids with our beta - we found some interesting stuff. And we are making that as we speak. You'll love it :-) //Ole
Jacqueline von Tesmar
Hey @ole_vidar_hestas, Can you tell us more about Kudos and how it compares to other similar apps out there?
Ole Vidar Hestås
Hi @jacqvon, :-) Kudos (started in 2014) are building a safer place, an entire ecosystem, where kids can use the power of social connections to build a more compassionate and kinder world. By enabling tools to learn and engage different we strive to fulfil our mission that is to give kids a voice, an opportunity to influence, connect to and follow people they love, know and adore. Biggest difference from "similar" apps is: human/AI moderators 24/7 - parents are involved, NO/NEVER advertising or in-app purchases - We are focusing on building understanding of an "online life" from ground and up and are - in addition to insight and data from hundreds of thousands of beta users Kudos will not only be a social media platform, it will be a new kind of content distribution platform . We are still in early access, but have some very exciting things in the pipeline. To execute our scaling and growth strategy we are a team of existing leaders and former executives from companies like Disney, Google, Dreamworks, Pixar, Stanford, Instagram, EA, Unity and more.... And I know that many people say they will change the world for the better - WE ACTUALLY WILL !! Have a great day :) //Ole
Jeff Osborn
Excellent, @ole_vidar_hestas! There's a big need for something like Kudos! The primary concern I've heard from experts about social media + young people is that they can put an emphasis on popularity -- who gets the most likes, has the most friends, etc. I love the design and focus on positivity. Curious if you've thought about the popular vs. unpopular concern and how to keep the Kudos community healthy in that regard?
Ole Vidar Hestås
Hi @jeff_osborn , Thank you so much! I agree - that was one of my concerns as well and it was all about finding a balance and involving different methods of engagement setting popularity aside. After almost 3 ys in beta we found some really interesting stuff - this will not be a traditional Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat - I is all about listening to the users - so we are making what they want. - did you know that an average 10 year old girl is more concerned about privacy than an average 30 yrs old? Kids are insane - cool - and totally unpredictable - we are just giving them what they really want - without messing up our safety work. Yes, the design is great, thanks! :-) - still work in progress though - more exciting stuff in the pipeline. Tanks for engaging, Jeff - and have a great weekend:-) //Ole
Sven van der Zee
Awesome playful design
Ole Vidar Hestås
@svenvd_zee Thanks Sven :-) - more is coming - Kudos to for helping us making it. Have a great weekend ;) //Ole
Ole Vidar Hestås
Thanks Lorenzo - Kudos to you! :) @insigne8insigne
Trishul Patel
Kids and Teens are very fickle. At school is where they learn what platform is cool. Snapchat is the one for kids and teens right now as they have defined it for themselves. They take a platform and make it theirs rather than using something created for them. Just my $0.02
Doaa Emroe
Oh hello! I'm from kudos! and I'm here to tell you that once your ready to log in, you gave us your social security number! thanks for letting us hack you!
McKayli Carter
not good
McKayli Carter
not good