
Knock - Between a call and a text!


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Anusha Jayanti
Knock started off when we realized that a huge fraction of the calls we make are "status calls" - calls which can be answered in a word, but not sent as messages because of urgency. What we have with knock, is the best of both worlds.. Ease of texting coupled with the urgency of calling. As you send a knock, your friend will see it on their screen, with the ringtone of an incoming call. 60 seconds to reply, and you see the response right on your home screen! Do try the app, would love to get feedback!
Derek Shanahan
@vennindoubt Great lightweight concept. The landing page desperately needs an actual visual of what the message looks likes for both parties, IMO.
Anusha Jayanti
@dshan feedback taken! We do have good screenshots in the play store. Have you played around with the app?
Felix Reznik
Great idea! I think this might be the first app ever to launch on Android first. lol
@FelixReznik A lot of apps in India and other SEA markets launch Android-first. iOS has negligible share in India (less than 5% when I last checked).
Felix Reznik
@pandurang Makes sense then. I think it's a really novel idea and should work out for them well. I'd use it. But I'm iOS. So going to have to wait. :(
Clark Wimberly
At first I was like "sigh, another messaging app?" But this actually looks *really* useful, even with a tiny contact list (which is usually my main hurdle with a new messaging app, so that's really saying something).
Anusha Jayanti
@clarklab Glad you liked it. Have you started using it? looking forward to some feedback.
Srikrishnan Ganesan
I was going to add Knock to Product Hunt. And then I saw it here :) @vennindoubt
I really like this. One of those apps that makes wish I was Android.
Anusha Jayanti
@KristoferTM We will let you know as soon as we have the iOS version. Or are you on Windows?
Eric Meltzer
I'm skeptical of most new messaging apps but this is quite neat
Anusha Jayanti
@wheatpond :). Thank you! This is an attempt on our part to walk the fine line between messages and calls.
Joe Anderson
Its so amazing what android lets you do to their mobile phones just because you have an app installed. Very cool UI/UX
Anusha Jayanti
@Anderson760 Completely agree. One of the reasons we could take this up, and imagine this being even remotely successful is because Android is so flexible. I would even say that the idea might not have struck if we were not thinking with our Android caps on!
A lot of the India press has compared this to Yo. Interesting app that gives a quick one-swipe way to respond to a message. Also, it has the urgency factor by requiring you to respond within 60 seconds of getting a "call".