I've been using KNKI for a couple weeks now. My general impression is I like it and it has potential. This is really rare—most kink apps are just the worst for so many reasons. Most of that potential is still unrealized insofar as it hasn't gotten enough users yet. I'd like to see KNKI take a more considered approach to user acquisition. It will yield better retention and a better community, which leads into a virtuous cycle of growth.
My nuanced impressions:
1. I like how it fosters community. There is a global feed of photos and people engage in it quite a bit.
2. I really like public vs. private photos. . And it keeps me in the app, which is good from KNKI's standpoint.
3. I dislike how constrained supply is. Even in the Bay Area, there are <50 women total it seems. <-- This is the one problem all dating apps need to solve. If they can solve this, they can potentially win a big market. (Not that it matters, but to be clear for gender reasons: I'm straight so I only have experience with women on these apps.)
4. I like how it fosters a *nice* community. I tried Whiplr and some other apps to find fellow kinksters and for whatever reason there were just a lot of jerks. Everyone on KNKI has been nice so far.
5. I have a *lot* of design and bug gripes. It needs a solid week of polishing. These don't nearly outweigh how much I like the experience of it already though.
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