Thomas Schranz ⛄️

The Job Seeker’s Guide to the Galaxy 🚀 - Learn how to kickstart your career

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Tomas Ondrejka
Thank you Thomas for hunting us! Excited to be back on Product Hunt! 🚀 We’ve made this free ebook for job seekers! It’s the very first ebook we’ve ever published so we're so excited! 🙂 We have helped over 300k people worldwide kick-start their careers with Kickresume. Now you can find everything we have learned in one little book. Step by step, it will take you all the way from choosing your career path to landing your dream job. What’s inside: How to write your resume and cover letter, step by step All job search tips and tricks in a single bundle 0% bullsh*t, 😉 just simple points, straight to the point More than 60 beautiful illustrations You can download our ebook for free. It’s less than ONE HOUR of reading. I promise! 👍
Ondrej Prostrednik
Beautiful book @Kickresume. How long did it take you to write Job Seekers Guide to the Galaxy? Btw catchy name 😉
Peter Duris
Hey @oprostrednik. Thanks for asking. This eBook took us about 4 months of writing, illustrating, research and collecting feedback. We poured our hearts and souls into it. Ever since we imagined the book with all the illustrations for the first time, there was no going back for us — we were hooked! In the end, we had more than 30 versions of the final draft to consider and the result is more beautiful than we imagined.
Tomas Ondrejka
@peduris and one week of uploading to Amazon 😄
Filip Jančo
This looks awesome! @Kickresume Is it available for Kindle aswell?
Tomas Ondrejka
Hey @najsamfilip! Sure thing! You can download our free Job Seeker's Guide also to your Kindle from our website 👍 Unfortunately it's not listed in Kindle store because they don't support free ebooks 😔
Milan Steskal
Love the name! How many downloads have you got so far?
Tomas Ondrejka
Hey @milan_steskal! We have around 4 000 downloads and great feedbacks from readers! We're so excited that people love our first ebook 😊
Prabhâkar Thota
loved it <3 The best Job seeker book in my books list as of now! And Its looks beautiful to read. Hope, soon you people will release some more books to kickass our(My) carrier!
Adrian Pica
Is it also available on iBooks?
Peter Duris
Thanks for asking @adrianpica. Great question. Our book is available for FREE download with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device, and with iTunes on your computer. >>>
Tomato Soup
Neato. Post this on
Tomas Ondrejka
Thanks @adamrsweet. I'll post it 😉
David Milberg
Awesome product! Very useful if you are actively looking for a job.
Tomas Ondrejka
Thank you so much @davidmilbergnyc! Basically we were collecting questions from users for more than 3 years. This book is answer to their questions 🙂
Roland Pokornyik
Both the design and content are really cool! Great job guys. Are you planning to have a printed version for sale?
Peter Duris
Thanks @rolfic We're planning to print limited number of books. They will be either given to schools, institutions or as a gift to our partners or most loyal customers.
Hoang Ngoc Tram
Beautiful book