Caspar Wrede

One-click leaderboards - Copy data from anywhere and instantly create a leaderboard

Create leaderboards (and scoreboards) for any situation where you want to rank and compare people. No signup required. Choose from a large number of pre-made themes and all kinds of customization options. Share your leaderboard via a link.

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Caspar Wrede
Hey everyone 👋 I'm Caspar and I made this product by myself. It's been my full-time job for the past 12 months and I hope to build it into a sustainable business. *The problem* Teachers, board-gamers, team-leaders, workout buddies, students, quiz-masters and anyone who wants to track scores/points and share them publicly currently don't have a good solution. *The solution* With this product you can create a leaderboard instantly, apply a nice theme and then share a link which always shows the up-to-date ranking. Animations are included as well as a bunch of other features.