
Jumbo: Privacy & Security - Your privacy assistant, by Sunrise co-founder


Featured in: The New York Times, Fast Company, TechCrunch and The Verge
At Jumbo, we believe that your data belongs to you.
That’s why our app empowers you to take control of your privacy and security, right from your phone.

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Simon Gabriel
Looks very good! Android version please :)
Pierre Valade
@simongabriel thanks! On our list. ;-)
Niklas Pivic
Hi, @pierrevalade ! Is there any way one can get an e-mail or another kind of direct message when the Android version is out? I prefer not to follow on Twitter or anything like it; I only want to know when the Android version is released.
Mark Schmidt
@pierrevalade @niklaspivic666 Following. I would also like an email for notification. Please add this to your website.
Larry Gast
@simongabriel Good news! We have released an Android version for Jumbo :)
Ryan Hoover
Glad to see this out there, @pierrevalade. 🚀 I'm super curious to learn more about the long-term vision for Jumbo. I'm sure there's a LOT under the surface of what you launched today.
Pierre Valade
@rrhoover thanks Ryan! excited to share the launch with the PH community too. long-term, we simply want to build the best privacy assistant, which works for you (and not anyone else). i think of this as your digital agent, similar to a lawyer in the real world, who represents you and make decisions in your favor, because it's incentivized to do so (ie: you will pay for it at some point). you don't need to study law in order to be well represented in court, you need a good lawyer, and that's a fundamental principle of our judiciary system. (hopefully, Jumbo is more accessible to a great number of people than great lawyers are, because we're building software). long-term, there is great brand value to always make the right decisions for our users. for example, it's really hard work to make everything work client-side for Jumbo, (we don't have any servers processing your personal data), but it's worth it, so that over time (not today), people will trust the Jumbo brand to provide them with more services to defend their privacy online. short and medium term, it's always about building the best product, and the best team (we're hiring btw, email if you want to build Jumbo) more philosophically maybe, I think the concept of being represented by a smart agent is something super cool:
Guillaume Bardet
@pierrevalade Love the way you are looking at it, people will definitely need services like this. A smart assistant seems like a great way to go about it. Congrats on your launch Pierre, I look forward to seeing where you take it!
Daniel Roger Casanova
PLEASE do jumbo for e-mail. PLEASE
Pierre Valade
@danirogerc you mean support for gmail? cleaning your old emails from Google servers?
Jarod Stewart
Why do apps still not launch for both iOS and Android? It is almost 2020 guys...
Pierre Valade
@stewartjarod we can't make Jumbo as a web app. the reason we launch on iOS is that we're a small team, we can't do both. it's on our list.
Jarod Stewart
@pierrevalade I totally understand small teams and resource allocation, I'm just an iOS first hater :D.
@stewartjarod @pierrevalade Why can't this be a web app? Couldn't a web app have at least some subset of the functionality?
Larry Gast
@stewartjarod Good news! We've put out an Android version :) Please check it out!
Devesh Prabhu

Currently, can't use it on an #Android #Smartphone


seems okay


Currently, can't use it on an #Android #Smartphone

Larry Gast
@devesh_prabhu We've actually released an Android version. Let us know what you think :)
Travis Fischer
Faceblock! 💪

Hope those problems can be fixed cause it looks like a promising app!


- clean interface - seems easy to use


- Twitter cleanup limited to 3k+ tweets by day cause of API limitation - Facebook cleanup didn't work for me, blocked at 40%

Pierre Valade
Thanks for your feedback! We had some issues with our initial release, and we've just released a new update that should fix all of them: - let me know how it goes!
Congrats on the launch @pierrevalade 🙏 I'm curious as to what other features you're planning to build on Twitter's end of things. What do you have in mind for added privacy on Twitter?
Pierre Valade
@amrith thanks Amrith. Good question: on Twitter we are working on a similar feature than Smart Privacy for Facebook. Our Smart Privacy feature for Twitter will manage settings for you to protect you and save time. If you download the app and accept push, we’ll let you know when the feature is live
Austin Marshall
I love the idea behind Jumbo, and started by connecting Facebook and running the "clean" on the Weak option just to make sure I'm hitting a bare minimum of decent privacy practices. Simplicity is beautiful, but it would be nice to see a summary of which (if any) settings were changed after the process finished running. As of now I'm left wondering if anything actually happened. Plans for this addition?
Pierre Valade
@austincmarshall yes Austin! we are working on a new UX for that specific issue, which I 100% agree with you. thanks for the friendly reminder :-)
Michelle Tackabery

Privacy can't be a right reserved for people who can afford iPhones. Come on.


Sounds fabulous. I adored Sunrise, and this sounds like a great replacement. If the Facebook glitches can be worked out, I will be on board.


Please make an Android version.

Pierre Valade
Thanks for the nice words! We've released an update that fixes the issues:
There are Android handsets that cost more than iPhones. Urgh. I get annoyed by this notion that everyone who prefers Android devices is poor or cheap. Many people simply prefer a mobile OS without the training wheels.
Yagnik Acharya
Yes, I also need this app for android. Jumbo App
Ariel Cavalcante

Great app, great user interface. My overall experience was very positive :)


Beautiful, practical


More platforms

and again the awesome @pierrevalade is back :) Très beau travail d'UI ! Bon dieu !
Pierre Valade
@mygreg that’s nice to start your day with such nice words. The team did a great work. Thanks to them!
Lui Kohl
Beautiful design, please add more features and apps to clean love the concept.
Pierre Valade
@luikohl thanks! we are going to ship one update a month with each time new apps supported and more features for existing apps! Next update: early May.
Ian Rumac
The app looks amazing, the goal is great and I am really glad to see `We never collect, store or process data you manage through Jumbo. In fact, we don’t even know who you are.`. Is it going to be open source? What is your monetization strategy? Premium versions? When is an android version getting out?
Pierre Valade
@ianissoawesome 1/ we are going to open source some of our stack so we can be audited independently 2/ premium versions yes 3/ later this year we are hiring great Android engineer email if you’re interested ;-)
Steve McGarry
Love this concept and congrats on the launch👏 Reminds me of CleanMyMac but for social media/mobile 👍 Given Facebook, Google, and Amazon’s focus on user privacy currently are there any issues with their TOS or API usage? In the future do you see that being a roadblock or issue for Jumbo?
Pierre Valade
@stvmcg at the moment things are working fine. we are only doing things that the user would be able to do anyway.
Johnny Bell
Hey there, I was just wondering what does 'clean tweets' do... will it delete my tweets?
Pierre Valade
@johnnyxbell cleaning means "delete from Twitter, BUT first save a private copy (accessible in the Memory tab in the Jumbo app, and soon to your Dropbox/iCloud" does that help Johnny?
Johnny Bell
@pierrevalade Yeah it does help, thank you! I don't want to delete any of my tweets, but the facebook, google and alexa options are really really good. Nice product.
I love this product, installed it yesterday and have already started to purge my twitter account. One question I have is how do I delete my backed up tweets from the Jumbo App? I like the option of being able to back it up; but what if I want to remove them completely?
Scott Straub
@phrystile I have the same same question. I just want to delete the tweets entirely, but the app forces local backup. Doesn't appear to be any way to delete that local archive other than deleting the entire apps. The app is awesome otherwise though!
Freddie Llow
why would i want to make my fbi agent upset :( i thought we had a connection
love the identity, the ui and the overall project! great work @pierrevalade and the team ✨