Thomas Schranz ⛄️

Journi Explore - Find 80,000+ travel stories & create your own with ease

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Andreas Roettl
Great to be on producthunt. I personally invite you to check out the biggest update in the history of journi and probably also one of the biggest changes to travel blogging/journaling. You can now, more than ever enjoy traveling while at the same time making your travels unforgettable. Capture, Share, Relive and now also Explore! Have fun, doing what you love! Looking forward to your feedback. #lifeisajourni
Florian Dorfbauer
Kudos for the great UI/UX. You currently allow users to search for trips by places. Do you plan to allow search for tags or titles, etc. too?
Andreas Roettl
@fdorfbauer Cheers. Yes, currently the search is limited to places and users, but we will continue to optimize it including also the possibility to search for trip titles or parts of those strings. Haven't yet thought about using tags, I guess you mean something similar as we know it from pinterest? Might something really interesting, that we'll look at in more detail.
Tomas Ondrejka
Great app & design! :) How big is your team and where are you based?
Andreas Roettl
@tomas_ondrejka Thanks! At the moment we are 7 people, based in Vienna.
Mario Aichlseder
Great app, amazing design! Just downloaded it. Could actually be used for many use cases beyond travel.
Andreas Roettl
@aimario Thanks. Well you are right. Actually we already see some users who use it for different scenarios. E.g. mothers or families keeping a journal about their kids, craftsmen documenting their projects and we see especially the group journaling feature be used very often for weddings or similar events. At the moment we'll further concentrate on the biggest use case, which is travel. But for the future we are open to enter also other market segments.
Andreas Pizsa
Is this like Instagram for travellers? What does Journi do different/better than Instagram (or even Facebook)?
Andreas Roettl
@andreaspizsa Thanks for the question. journi is much more than Instagram. Instagram is more for communicating single moments rather than a full story. Some would even say it's more for bragging. Also it is not possible to organize your moments and share them just with a specific group of people. At journi you can create as many timelines/blogs as you like and say timeline A is just for me, timeline B is for close friends and family and C is public. Last but not least it is simply not made for travelers. journi works perfectly offline and has a nice map overview of your travel moments.
Anthony Stylianou
Just downloaded the app. Like the design and very easy app to use!
Andreas Roettl
@anthony_stylianou thanks a lot!
Andreas Mahringer
Love it! Have you guys ever thought of partnering with airbnb? Would be great to explore the stories of other airbnb guests. Could be a great fit.
Andreas Roettl
@mahringer_a Thanks <3 Totally understand what you mean. We would actually love to work with @airbnb. Fun fact, they were one of the first to invite us to their HQ when we launched in SF. Hope to chat with them again these days.
Stephan Kletzl
Looks really solid and solves a real pain. Any plans to allow comments at some point?
Andreas Roettl
@stephankletzl thanks for the kudos! comments are nr 1 on our list. we hear this a lot from our users. will come next year.
Thomas Kozlowski
The stamps are fun - but i wouldn’t make them so easy to get. Is a great gamification idea.
Andreas Diesenreiter
Well done :) Will you support video in the future?
Andreas Roettl
@andreasz_com Thanks a lot! Video is already on our todo list for next year.
Rustem Akishbekov
Very cool app!
Bernhard Hauser
Hey Andreas, I have been following Journi for quite some time now – great product! I think Explore is a nice feature, though it would be great to make lists of favorites. What's your take on that?
Andreas Roettl
@_bernhard Thanks for the feedback. Totally know what you mean. Because once you found something great you want to save it, right? E.g. all journis for your next trip to Greece. Let me assure you that we have this already on our todo list.
Dominic Mueller
Glückwunsch! Brilliant update! Already used it twice! Great to share your journey with your loved ones at home. Good Luck!
Vladislav Vasilenko
That's look fine, i like traveling and like read new stories about it, awesome experience!
Andreas Roettl
@svlad thanks!
Thomas Kriebernegg
Really love this app! I've always been looking for a solution to find authentic travel inspirations. Now I have found it! Thanks! :)
Andreas Roettl
@kriebernegg Thanks a lot!
Paul Varga
Looks like the most complete travel journaling app out there. Especially love the offline functionality and the integrated maps.
Andreas Roettl
@paulvarga23 Cheers. Happy that you like it.
Christoph Trost
I’ve been looking for a decent replacement of my current journal app for some time. Love it so far!
Georg Kaindl
Wow, that's a very nice update! I'm currently following a friend's trip there, and some of the shots are really amazing – I was wondering if there's some sort of a possibility to create a photobook out of those, maybe via some export function, or do you maybe have anything planned in this direction?
Andreas Roettl
@gkaindl Thanks a lot for the feedback and great that you enjoy following your friend's journi. At the moment we don't have such a feature, but soon you'll have the possibility to additionally save your journis to your favorite cloud drive and we are already evaluating how we could make a journi really tangible as a photo book. But I can't tell exactly when we'll have it ready. But we are on it. Stay tuned.
Allan Berger
Kudos @aroettl & team🎈 The stamps are fun! Do you in general plan to add gamification somehow?
Andreas Roettl
@allanberger Cheers! Yeah, we see people really enjoying this feature. Especially as each country in the world has a unique, handmade stamp. At the moment I guess it's too easy to get these stamps, though. And as you already pointed out in your question, this could be a nice gamification element. So next year it could happen that you get the stamps only when you do posts from the related countries. We also think of providing special stamps that also change from time to time. Like a special stamp for a post from the Eiffel Tower.
David Pichsenmeister
kudos! Search is really well executed. Any plans on fine tuning the search?
Andreas Roettl
@3x14159265 thanks. yes, we especially want to rank trips from friends higher in your search results. same for the explore section itself where we'd also like to learn with the trips you like most. Moreover we are going to add the possibility to search for certain terms, e.g. bike tour or honeymoon.