Hello ProductHunt!
I’m the maker of JournalFlow. Several years ago, I was a user of a journal product named ‘Ohlife’. It works quite simple: Ohlife send you an email each night, and you reply the email, then the content will be your journal of the day. Ohlife creates a brand new way to write journals, it makes writing journals much easier and less stressful, I kept writing about 1000 journals until it had shut down in 2014.
We also want to build something that can help people remember things happened in their life, so we make JournalFlow. JournalFlow allows users to write journals from their favorite messaging apps, including Telegram, Facebook Messenger, and email. What you send to our bot will be your journal of the day, just like chatting with a friend.
Currently we support text, image, location (exclude email channel), and mood. Whatsapp, Line and more app support is coming soon. Subscribe on our website for JournalFlow updates.
Appreciate your reviews and comments!
Thank you!
Love the mood calendar btw! I'm looking forward to the Whatsapp release, just a note though - there have been times I send messages to the wrong person. Not sure how you'd mitigate that.. but just letting you know as a potential user that fear is in my head of "did i accidentally reveal really private stuff to someone I didn't intend"
@christopher_lee4 Thanks. I know that feeling vividly. We suggest pinning the JournalFlow conversation to the top if your messaging app supports this feature. Other than that, our bots will send a confirmation message once they received your journal. Hope this will help you a little bit.
@leplay_li Yea that definitely alleviates some of my fears. Thanks for letting me know!
By the way seeing as you just launched I have a market research service where for $12 you can ask 100 people a question then follow-up based on how they answered and even interview them! https://scoops.io/
You could ask e.g. "Would you want a journaling service that lets you text journal entries using your favorite messaging platform?" Anyway If you want to give it a shot feel free to sign up and let me know which email you used over Intercom and I'll pass you $12 in free credits.
Best of luck otherwise!
My Affirmations