JonLuca De Caro

UberStats - Visualize statistics on your years of Uber rides!

Analyses your full uber ride history for interesting statistics. This includes:

* Total spent, in all currencies

* Favorite locations

* # Rides by year, month, and car model

* Total distance traveled

Original blog post here ->

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JonLuca De Caro
Is there anything else you'd like to see stats on regarding your uber history?
Ryan Hoover
@jonluca perhaps a calculator that will tell me what kind of car I could lease for the amount of money spent on Uber. 😅
Ryan Hoover
I don't want to know 🙈
Alex Chernikov
Nice! However, it calculates the total price incorrectly. My history is RUB ₽2103.94 UAH ₴1068.50 EUR €761.86 CZK Kč363.00 USD $47.44 And it shows, "Total Spent $4344.74" It seems it just sums up all the prices not paying attention to different currencies. Would be great if you could convert all the currencies in dollars to show the correct total spent amount in dollars (or even better in the currency I've spent the most).
Alex Chernikov
Also, would be great to share this page somehow. I really want to share it with some friends. And you'd get more free traffic, too ;)
JonLuca De Caro
@alex_chernikov Just published an update that does some (rough) currency conversions!
JonLuca De Caro
@alex_chernikov Yeah, lot's of personal information here though so I don't want to keep any of it on my servers. Maybe a local image can be saved that everyone can then manually post on their twitter/insta/fb?
Alex Chernikov
@jonluca yep, would be great, too! Because now I've made a screenshot to share with friends 😄
Nice work @jonluca! I totaled my car and have been using Uber and Lyft for the last few months to get around LA. This is cool to see and it is especially interesting seeing the drives who I rode with more than once and not remembering them. I'd love to see something like this for Lyft as well but this is awesome.
JonLuca De Caro
@3raxton Yeah I think in the future doing a visualization of cost/benefit of uber would be cool. You can put in the gas mileage of your car/past cars and we can extrapolate based on distance + cost of gas whether it's cheaper to uber everywhere or to drive your own car
Ryan Hoover
@reepush URL isn't working for me. Is that an actual site?
Raj Jawa
What about something like this for drivers? It might help them compile their end of year information for tax purposes.
Hossein Dehnokhalaji
This was great. The way you accessed the data was also somewhat innovative. You remember what Spotify did couple weeks ago? giving people insight into the music they listen to. It would be great If you change the export button, so people can share a screenshot of the data on different platforms. and the generated screenshot would be adjusted accordingly. e.g. a 9:16 ratio pic of the data, suitable to be shared on instagram stories. same goes with twitter, etc.
Jack Smith
this tool is awesome! great work!
Mark Beylin

Showed me some very very interesting stats about my uber usage I'd never known.


fascinating insights


Needs charts

Abhilash Jain
@jonluca this is 🔥
James Huang
So awesome @jonluca - thank you for building this. One question: is there a way to ensure the data is wiped after we delete the extension?
JonLuca De Caro
@jameshuang2 Yes, it's completely deleted. It's fully client side, and the data only lives in memory for the duration of the chrome session. As soon as you delete the extension or close chrome it's completely deleted!
cinthya kari salas
Como funciona?
Incorrect total: Total Spent $2595019.98 BYR 2593328.45 BYN Br957.81 CZK Kč340.74 EUR €250.58 PLN zł118.41 USD $23.99
JonLuca De Caro
@adeby Just published an update that does some (rough) currency conversions!
Thomas Skavhellen
Would love if I could sort in this data and only show stats for this year alone. Aka how much spent only this year and not in Lifetime. This would actually give a more correct picture if I should lease a car instead of taking Ubers like another Product Hunter was mentioning under here 😃
Siddharth Saxena
This is missing a bunch of data, I think. My results only show rides from 2015 on, but when I search my email, I have Uber rides dating back to 2013. So I think the "total spent" is unfortunately much below the true number.
Duane Hardy

Good initial information but needs to add user friendly graphics


Good Stats Historical information


Need Graphics Lack of Charts

Alexander Stoica-Marcu
Hey, @jonluca very cool product indeed. It's much more comprehensive than the RIP UberTotals. As the comments below, I would love to see some graphs, maybe a cool UX&UI to be more easy to read and of course shareable. As my personal feedback: At Total time you the shortest and the longest - I would love to see a map maybe on each. Because I can't remember where it was the pickup and the dropoff points - or maybe the detours. That's why a map suits the bests - like the one in Uber. I really want to see the top 5 at pickup points and dropoff points. Not only top 3. At Total Rides - i am not sure what it sums. Also, on history, I would love to compare the month from a year with the one of an another - maybe at a level of rides + costs. I am not sure if possible, but can't you just login with your Uber Credentials and then to give the stats? Many of my friends told me that it's a little bit complicated to use it, download the google chrome, enter on the uber link, etc. Maybe you can find a way of easing the process of "login". What are your plans with this? -if you can put all the feedback inside your platform, I can easily pay 1$ or so per report. And I would buy it definitely a few times per year, just to show off to my friends/socialmedia/etc. -you can put definitely a recurring revenue, 1$/month and if you pay by year it's 10$ a year (discount). good job !!! Very cool. Please include me in all the updates :D.
Abdul Awal Uzzal
Nice work! The only thing I found is you should exclude the cancelled rides while displaying most of the stats like Yearly, monthly etc.