Kevin William David

Jona 2.0 - A curated searchable database of 11,000+ startup journalists

Jona 2.0 is a platform that helps you find the right press contacts based on your sector.

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There have been a fair few PR /finding journalist related products on Product Hunt @soundankar @jitsalunke what are the main benefits of using yours? Thanks
Jit Salunke
@abadesi Hello Abadesi, here are few benefits I can think of: 1. We have manually tagged the journalists based on the beats they cover and currently have over 11000 journalists from the top media outlets 2. We wanted to keep it affordable for bootstrapped makers from the start. Our pricing starts and ends at $30/month. 3. We don't put any limit on the no. of contacts you can get every month which is pretty normal with existing PR apps out there. 4. We also provide a brief description and social media links of each journalist so makers can really judge if the journalist is relevant or not. Hope this helps. Feel free to ask if you have any questions.
Ms Imani Pope
@jitsalunke I just signed up and I like the diversity of the journalists. Your one liner says “tech” journalists, but to my surprise I was able to see people in beauty or fashion as well. I appreciate this and make sure to keep it updated!
Jit Salunke
@influplexity_ Hello Imani, thanks a lot for a feedback. It is true that we have decent no of journalists from fashion as well. In fact, we are even eager to handle custom requests to find more journalists for particular beats. We plan to take the no. to over 50k journalists and influencers and hope to see you using Jona for long time :)
Tobin Smith
@abadesi @jitsalunke So I have a new book coming out "The TRUTH About Fox News: Inside the Conspiracy That Became The MOST Powerful Force in America"...would you ever consider scraping and building a "Liberal/Progressive" Journalist/Blogger database? There is not one now...I am slowly building...but would gladly hand off my 250 ish database for you guys to buff out!
Jit Salunke
@tobin_smith Sure! Would love to help. Just sent an email.
Jit Salunke
Hey Makers, We are quite excited to show you a newer version of Jona. Last time when we launched Jona as a DIY Kit, a lot of makers wanted an easy way to go through the media database. So we out to create an app just to do that. Over the last 2 years, we have put together a database of over 10000 journalists as per beats they cover for the PR campaigns we did for the startups. Now you can access the same data using Jona. Jona lets you: Find journalists based on beats like tech, health, startups, AI, bitcoin, etc, Save them in different lists Export as a CSV for PR campaigns You can also view journalists from a particular media outlet Jona is still in beta and we have a pretty good roadmap laid out for 2018 that includes improving search, taking the database to over 100k journalists & influencers and making it easy to build relationships with journalists & influencers. We are running early bird offer that gives you lifetime unlimited access to Jona at one time fee of $299. Do check it here:
Shawn M. Kent
I’ll definitely be checking this out. As a startup about to launch this resource is invaluable to me.
Jit Salunke
@pixeoapp Thanks guys! Give us a shout if you need any help.

Even though there is no con to the product, I am not sure if it is the good way to get coverage from journalist. If you have 1000s of emails at your disposal, you will probably mass email all of them, and this has an overall not-so-good impact on the startup ecosystem.


It's a good tool that curates journalists contacts


None so far

Jit Salunke
Thanks Kartik for trying it out. I agree with your opinion about mass mailing and believe in the fact that makers should spend some time engaging with relevant journalists, build relationships and then pitch. We do want to make it easier for makers to engage and build relationships with journalists, something that's not as straightforward as it should be. We just took a first step with having a curated searchable database and soon will get there :)
Scott Bowler
Two questions: - Do you provide contact info (eg email and phone)? - Have the journalists opted in to have their data shared? Interested in getting the lifetime plan but with GDPR around the corner all our suppliers must be GDPR compliant.
Jit Salunke
@scotty_bowler Hello Scott, we provide Email, Linkedin, and Twitter. All that data is available publicly on media outlets or social networks., so I believe GDPR won't be an issue.
Scott Bowler
@jitsalunke I would recommend that you have a read through the new regulations.. Just because it's publicly available doesn't mean that you're allowed to hold their data (and you're definitely not allowed to sell it).. You're opening yourselves up to some serious fines
Jit Salunke
@scotty_bowler Thanks Scott for the pointers. I will be going through it in detail.
Utkarsh Arora
Working with Jit for a long time and impressed by his spirit to disrupt the PR industry by launching assets that add value to the startups' digital growth. Cheers to JONA :)
Jit Salunke
@marketerutkarsh Thanks Utkarsh!
Antonio Viggiano
Very useful
Jit Salunke
@aviggiano Thanks Antonio!
Sergey Pilko
It will be good to have registration via G+ or FB. IMHO. Btw, by "artificial" there ia no results..
Jit Salunke
@sergey_pilko Hey Sergey, sorry about that. Please try AI, that will definitely give you some good results. And happy to find more for you!
Tom Frazier
Hi guys. Site isn't working.. Throwing lots of PHP errors
brian fidler
Site not currently working. Anything requiring a db query breaks.