Enrico Willemse

JOBO, The AI career bot - JOBO: CV enhancement, job matching, & applications in one!


Revolutionize your job hunt with JOBO. Forget the old, tedious application process. Our AI personalizes and optimizes your journey towards your dream job, handling the grunt work. Effortlessly chase success with our promise of a smoother path.

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Enrico Willemse
As the creator of JOBO, I embarked on this journey out of personal frustration and necessity. The motivation behind JOBO stems from my own challenges with the traditional job application process. Navigating ATS systems felt like a maze, with my resume often getting filtered out before it could even reach human eyes. The monotony of repeatedly filling out forms, coupled with the struggle to find jobs that aligned with my specific personality and aspirations, was disheartening. Large companies felt constraining, while startups that offered both a fitting culture and a decent salary seemed like a rare find. Above all, my desire to make a career shift without knowing how to create an ATS-friendly resume added to the complexity. This experience highlighted a gap in the job search ecosystem—a need for a tool that not only optimizes resumes for ATS but also personalizes the job search to match individual preferences and career aspirations. Thus, JOBO was born. My aim was to develop an AI-driven career bot that could ease these pains for others. JOBO is designed to take the grunt work out of job hunting by enhancing CVs, finding and applying to the right jobs, and ensuring that your application stands out, all while aligning with your personal and professional growth goals. I invite you to join me on this journey with JOBO. Your experiences, feedback, and questions are not just welcome; they're essential. They help refine JOBO into a tool that can transform the job search for everyone. Are you ready to explore how JOBO can change the way you think about your career path?