Kevin Hale

Jetty - Smart, minimalist money management.


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Kyle Taylor
This solves a huge problem for me. Intuit clearly has no interest in updating Mint as it keeps getting slower and something is broken every time I login. I'm glad someone wants to innovate again in this space and build tools like this for mobile.
Kevin Hale
Jetty is a lightweight tool for helping me get a grasp on my finances. I like that it breaks down my spending by category, day and week (not just all time) and allows me to compare it with how I spent in previous months. In that way, I feel like it does a far better job of letting me know how I'm spending my money than Mint in a way that just makes sense. Plus, it's really pretty.
Brian Wagner
@ilikevests Thanks Kevin! Our goal building Jetty is to create a simple yet intelligent solution for staying on top of your money. We think a lot of the tools out there try to do to much while also requiring a lot of work from the users, so Jetty tries to take the opposite approach and handle all the hard work for you. In the future we'll be adding estimates of predicted spending and future account balances, so in addition to getting a clear picture of their current habits, users will be able to see how they're impacting their financial futures and hopefully make better decisions with their money! Let us know what you guys think! We'll be hanging out here all day.
The landing page doesn't give me enough detail/explanation as to what value this is creating that I don't already have. I saw Sweep on Product Hunt a couple of days ago and just based on comparing the two landing pages, Sweep is more convincing to me as something to try.
@patrickmandia Thanks for the reply. :) I currently don't use an app strictly for spending analysis, so maybe I'm not your target demographic because I don't see it as a huge problem for me right now. But, I was just noting that I'm not sure if your landing page really describes your value proposition is. I think you could keep it simple/lightweight but add a little bit more. Just my opinion of course. I wasn't persuaded to use Sweep, either, but comparing the two, I would be more likely to try using that first based off of the landing pages alone.
@patrickmandia @jkent2910 I'm inclined to agree here -- was hoping to see a little more on the landing page! I manage my finances in an excel spreadsheet. Also not a Mint kinda gal.
Austen Allred
How is this different from/better than Mint?
Charley Ma
Super excited to see you guys launch! I used to be a daily Mint user but it required a lot of manually analysis on my end to actually see what I was spending money on, huge fan of how Jetty compares over various time spans over different categories!
Seth Louey
I literally was just looking for a finance app. Commence downloading Jetty now! I love the simplicity of Jetty.
Kyle McDonald
Wow, this is great! So simple but yet so effective. Didn't realize how much money I was spending on Fast Food! Great job Jetty Team! :)
Romain Baron
Awesome, I was looking for something like this. London soon?
Brian Wagner
@baronromain We sure hope so! We use Plaid ( for handling the bank connections, so as soon as they add support we'll have it too. In the meantime, we are collecting a list of banks people would like to see added, so let me know which ones you have and we'll definitely pass that along!
Natalie Anne Edwards
@sgawb @baronromain how do we submit banks? I would've kept using Mint but then I moved to another country & it went kaput because no support.
Alphonso Morris
My question with these finance apps is I'm giving you access to my financial info, how do I know my info is safe? With all this hacking going on why should we as a consumer trust your app? Just asking not trying be a negative nancy.
Brian Wagner
@youngfonz They're totally valid questions, and it's wise of you to ask! Jetty uses a service called Plaid ( to perform the authentication with the banks. All traffic between us and them is encrypted with bank-level security, and we don't store your credentials, just a token that we use to request data from Plaid (if you're familiar with how Stripe works for allowing online merchants to safely charge credit cards, it's pretty similar). Additionally, all of our data is encrypted, and all traffic to and from the app uses SSL, so we think it's pretty safe. If you'd like more info, you can read our FAQ: or email us at
Alphonso Morris
@sgawb see now thats what Im talking about! A clear answer for a honest question. I am familiar with Stripe but didnt know about Plaid! Now I understand how there are more of these apps that ask for this info and feel safe asking!
david kim
Like it!
Jetty is amazing! Can't wait to get my spending back on track :)
Kilim Choi
Just curious but were you guys part of yc fellowship?
Christopher Hopkins
Great looking app! I first tried to connect to a Bank and it was unsuccessful and it worked the second time. However, now I have duplicate entries for all my stuff in the Overview :(
Brian Wagner
@hopkinschris Sorry to hear it! You can try hiding the duplicate accounts in the Settings page, and the next release will have an option to delete them completely.
Boris Fedorov
I really like the minimalist design. Are you guys doing your own categorization or using what comes out of the box with Plaid? In general, we've found aggregator categorization to be quite poor.
Brian Wagner
@borisism Thanks! For categorization, we're doing a mix of both right now. Aggregator categorization is decent, and we're using that + some manual categorization to train our own categorizers. We hope Jetty gets enough adoption that we start getting useful tagging data from our users as well because that obviously has the strongest signal :)
Mark Justin Harvey
Did you guys look at options other than requiring yet another password?
Derek Shanahan
Hm, said it couldn't connect to my bank account three times, then gave me success, and now I have same account in there three times. Also, once bank is connected there is no way to get out of the 'add bank' flow without closing and reopening the app?
Derek Shanahan
@patrickmandia It is there but is not clickable.
Taylor Crane
Awesome! But it looks like you're missing a Robinhood integration! Can we fix this :)?
Taylor Crane
@taykcrane Oh and it would be great to have Coinbase too, although I realize that's a bit of a stretch.
Paul Owusu
Not available in the U.S?