The issue of customer acquisition has been plaguing the chatbot industry for sometime now.
Facebook’s Messenger Platform, so far has been the only viable option available to truly get any kind of “traction” on your consumer facing bot.
Also, let’s not forget the abilities of the Messenger Platform, which are way ahead in our opinion than currently supported by Twitter, WhatsApp.
But that being said, the reach and the engagement of your chatbot would be severely impacted by the introduction of some core changes in Facebook Messenger Platform Policy as well as the removal of the Discover Feature.
Even, if you were to look to WhatsApp as an alternative, there is a marketing spend associated with promoting the phone number.
Such marketing spend numbers are generally not in the reach of independent developers or small businesses who are looking to build deeply personalized chat bots.
With our unique learnings in the conversational space from processing over 2.5B+ messages from / to end consumers in addition to millions of active devices in our collective app ecosystem.
We see a gap between good chat bots and end users due to the operating nature of current messaging eco-systems.
We aim to bridge this gap between “great” chatbots and end users!
MessengerX is the perfect replacement but an extended version of Facebook's Messenger. MessengerX has overcome limitations like Customer Acquisition, faster and easier deployment, gaining the necessary traction and Identity, enhanced representation of statistics, developer-friendly, and much more. @hd_machaao thank you for bringing this to us. Exploring this more and more. <3
leonardo da vinci
leonardo da vinci