Medium 3.0 is a place to read and write, now with a Partner Program so you can make money sharing your stories.
Content serves for education, decision, and delight and Medium lives up to this one hundred percent. I love the findability, personalization, engagement opportunities, branding flexibility, and the brilliant "shout from the terrace" feeling when I write and read content.
Pros:Some of the best quality content, neatly structured, soothing to eye, and amazing branding
Cons:I love everything about Medium, including the pace and direction of its growth
Overall, still feels the same Medium I've liked since the beginning.
Pros:Feels cleaner, especially the homepage where I check interesting articles each day. Also like the clap feature.
Cons:None for now
Medium is a great way to publish stories, but not at all a monetization platform for content.
Pros:Great UI and UX for readers
Cons:Poor UI, UX and monetization for writers
Would be great if Medium could auto suggest stock imagery based on the content you're writing.
Pros:Clean, simple, powerful. Everything we want doopoll to be.
Cons:Not really. I love it!
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