AirMeasure is the ultimate measuring ToolKit for your phone. Now anytime, anywhere you have not only a tape measure but a whole set of tools to let you measure almost anything. Loaded with features, download it now.
Got excited, saw it wasnt available, got unexcited, searched for 'AR Measure' in the app store and found 'Measurement Tool' by Aurelia Matei, which claims to 1) do the same thing 2) seemed to work when I tested it and 3) is already available. How does yours differ from this app?
@jasondainter This is using Apple's proprietary ARKit which comes out in the fall to all users with ios11. Which means it will be the most compatible version to date, and it is one of the first fully functional apps created around this software.
@jasondainter I think the main difference is 'Measurement Tool' needs a size reference in the view in order to calculate the measurements. This uses an analysis of the real world to create a "map" of the environment and so knows where points are in 3D and can measure the distance between them. No reference object required.
Love the idea! That's what smartphone-apps should be about: make our lives easier, so we don't have to carry a ruler anymore.
Btw, how does the algorithm know how far away the surface is (to measure a distance)?
Cool. Interesting to see how you are choosing the plane in which to draw the tape. Obvious in the case of a table top but less obvious in some of the other examples.
Cool concept) We deeply researched AR Kit and actually this is not working like that. For example, try to do this trick on a white table) Or try it on a wall. But soon, yes