Lucio Simone

7-e-mezzo — italian popular card game 7eMezzo

italian card game.

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Lucio Simone
AVAIBLE FOR WINDOWS,LINUX ,AND ANDROID THE VERSION FOR LINUX IS FREE. I WILL ALWAYS HAPPY TO CONTRIBUTE WITH GOOD SOFTWARE FOR LINUX. RULES: like blackjack,you ask card trying to dont go over 7.5 if you click "sto bene" you accept your score and give to next player. over 7.5 you lose at the end the higher score wins. Commands: Inizio gioco:starts a game Sto bene:accept the score and go to next player Pesca una carta:give a card Fine gioco:end the game and say the winner gioatore=player card values: 1=1 2=2 3=3 4=4 5=5 6=6 7=7 Woman/knight/king (cups/maces/swords)=0.5 King of Gold=automatic win and go to next player source code: