Morning, Product Hunt! ✌️
Great news, we just finished iPad version of our iOS 10 GUI
It contains massive collection of core components with Sketch resizing options, 56 portrait screens and 56 landscape screens. Also you are able to use Symbols, Shared styles and Text styles.
GUI is available for Sketch and it comes for Photoshop soon.
Thank you all for the support, and special thanks to @robjama!
Hope you'll love it!
I really like them, but--as a novice designer--what would the benefit to using this UI kit over the ones Sketch already have be? They're really accurate though!
@thewrongjoshua That one from Sketch is really well done, and I like how you can easily reach it from the app, but our is much bigger. Besides the version for iPad we have an extended collection of UI elements for almost any state and a lot of most popular re-drawn screens. And we're always trying to be the first to update our GUI assets to the latest version of iOS or Android.
Platforma Wireframe Kit
Platforma Wireframe Kit
Platforma Wireframe Kit