Clark Valberg

Craft Prototype, from InVision - Design, prototype, and collaborate seamlessly

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Clark Valberg
Today we’re thrilled to share the latest from Craft—meet Craft Prototype, your tool for prototyping directly inside Sketch. When your designs are right at your fingertips, you can make faster, smarter decisions about your prototype. With Craft Prototype, we’re bringing a new level of context and continuity to your workflow. That means better products—faster. Now, just add hotspot to any layer in your Sketch project. Then, link it to an artboard with a desktop or mobile gesture and create transitions by fading, sliding, rotating, and more. You’ll instantly get a bird’s eye view of how your screens are connected. Sync your screens to InVision with Craft Sync and with just a click, you can preview your work, share with your team, and collaborate in real time. We can’t wait to hear what you think!
Clark Valberg
@sdgates thanks for the love @sdgates! Drop me a line and let me know what you think!
Jonny Miles
@clarkvalberg congrats on all the great work the inVision team are doing with Craft. This is brilliant news, looking forward to giving it a go. Is there any thought around implementing transitions at the layer/object level in addition to screen transitions? Would definitely be handy for higher fidelity prototypes. Thanks!
Stephen Olmstead
@jonnymiles Hey Jonny- we're continuing to explore and push the envelope here. Right now this is screen-to-screen which mirrors well on the sync side with our InVision prototypes. That said were always trying to push the limits and layer/object level transitions is certainly something we've been exploring. The key here in all things is to keep the experience light, simple, and fast. Hit us up if you have any other questions and feedback! Thanks!
Simeon Kim Duke
I've waited about a year or so for this plugin starting with Silver Flows. Downside: This does not let me prototype "inside" Sketch. It just syncs the hotspots and actions over to Invisionapp to coincide with the functions already available there. I could just use the View Controller plugin and send it all over to Framer where I then would make things more complex or use the Click-thru plugin and emulate on the browser. I would also just use the User Flows plugin to create a visual rep of the overall flow just as easily. This downside is obviously subjective but I really thought I would be able to create click-able prototypes right inside Sketch or something similar to the plugin/app. For a lot of users out there, we want something more robust than what Adobe XD has to offer in terms of in-app prototyping, and we may not want the only option of syncing it to invisionapp. I believe there should be 2 options, And! the ability to export the prototype to HTML! I'm sure the team at Invision is already doing so, but i...don't *underbreath* wanna wait another year.. Great Job Guys!
Daniel Kaplan
@clarkvalberg: Impressed by balance of velocity and thoughtfulness you and your team demonstrate with each new product. InVision is bit like Motown between '59-72. Founders: InVision's product strategy is a masterclass case study in what happens when you understand your market better than everyone else and can move on those insights with speed and precision.
Stephen Olmstead
@dankaplan You're too kind sir... also your allusion to motown inspired by to crank some Michael McDonald tunes while wrapping work today. :)
Clark Valberg
@dankaplan that means a lot coming from you Dan!
Morten Christoffersen
Very excited to finally get a chance to try to out in production! After I had the opportunity to play around with the initial beta several months back, the potential was immediately obvious – but with this official release, it's definitely taken to the next level. I'm really excited by how it not only integrates the initial prototyping features of Silver Flows, but also shows the actual flows between screens, similar to what can be achieved with the User Flows plug-in. Good job, Craft team!
Julie Chabin

I mostly use Craft for syncing with Invision and the library to always have the last update for the colors and text styles of our style guide. It's really useful, and I can't complain except when it makes Sketch suddenly crash. At first, I thought this was a Sketch problem, but after looking into it, I learned that Craft could be sometimes instable. Still, it's worth the risk 😉


Really easy to update screens on Invision directly from Sketch. The library feature is also great!


Sometimes makes Sketch crash and that can be both annoying and scary.

Hari Mahesh
I've been using Craft since early Beta versions, and my favorite feature is auto-generation of names and easily pulling in images from the web. Along with other features as well, Craft serves to empower designers to continue the design process without anything holding us back and making our lives easier. Great tool @clarkvalberg and the entire team!
Eyal Benvenisti
Invision has finally surpassed themselves! looks very promising tool will surly use it! :D
Amos Gyamfi
Impressive, excited to start using it.
Marc Andrew
Great work Aby, Andrey and the rest of the InVision team. This is just the beginning I'm sure!
Nick Neuman
Two days ago I was trying to find a good tool to show all the possible user flows from screen to screen in our Sketch mockups. I think this is as close to instant gratification as you can get! I will definitely check this out, great work.
Alex Ksikes
It would be nice if I could use it professionally use without wasting my time fighting the bugs ... Craft mirroring is very brittle (no longer works for me), can't link between pages (so have to make a whole new page and duplicate screens), Beta version of prototype is not synched to production version (so Beta is actually back in time, took me a while a to figure this out!), not to mention that the InVision interface is a usability nightmare which actually makes you aggressive by the overload of information and buttons (come on guys you are a prototype design tool company!!). It's too bad because this is exactly what the industry needs. I'm back to Marvel after having wasted 2 hours of my time on this.
José Alvarez
OMG, finally! 😱
Gita Adi Ramdhani
Damn! finally!
Kunal Bhatia
Congrats on the launch, Clark from InVision! 🙌
Peyton Hayslette
I'm about this life
Cameron Baraban
Awe man. I love you guys <3.
Sebastian Crossa
Have been waiting for this since it was announced! Happy to see it finally launch :)
Pizza Yap
Here is my review and walkthrough of Craft Prototype article, but to be honest there is a lot of missing features from beta version not shipped into this public release. But those core function of InVision prototyping is working very well. If your company or organization are heavily using InVision as your primary design workflow, this is very helpful and fast to make a quick prototype, compare to using the browser to draw the hotspots. I definitely have high hope on InVision team and the future version of Craft Prototype in Sketch! ⚡️ Hope you guys enjoy reading and learn! 😁 And thanks @clarkvalberg! 🙏
André Bose do Amaral

Am a recent convert to Sketch + Craft, and the connection to InVision raises productivity dramatically. Large files with lots of artboards/hotspots still face issues synching up, though, which is a bit annoying.


Speeds up workflow dramatically


Hotspot synching still has issues

Yaron Tamuz
Doesn't work after updating.. :( Update: Now it work after removing any trace of the old version. Anyway, good luck with this one, do you have any release estimations for your "Motion" feature?