Investor Hunt is a database of 40k+ investors that saves you hundreds of hours of research on AngelList, Crunchbase, and LinkedIn trying to find the right investors and their emails. 🚀
Imposible to unsubscribe
Pros:a lot of data
Cons:Imposible to unsubscribe, expensive.
As a founder, one of the common problems is lack of time. Reaching out to investors is definitely important and time-consuming. I am glad to see a product that can save founders huge amount of time because at the end of the day, time is the most important asset.
Pros:Saving a lot of time for me.
Cons:not found.
I've reached out to a few investors and have some phone calls setup!
Pros:It saves so much time. Tracking down all this info sucks. It's finally in one easy to see place.
Cons:None so far.
Investor hunt is a centralized resource to help doers find seed capital. Search is instantaneous and quite useful.
Pros:Clear value proposition, solves a real problem for product people
Cons:Data quality not always 100%
Thanks for the huge discount for PH users!
Pros:Really useful data; Easy-to-use UI with simple design
Cons:None so far
Getslash Co