An automated, yet flexible, interview scheduling platform
Pallavi Shankar
InterviewPlanner — An automated, yet flexible, interview scheduling platform
InterviewPlanner is a powerful scheduling platform that’s simple to set up, customizable enough to handle any special edge cases, and actually feels good to work in.
Pallavi Shankar
Hi friends! I'm one of the co-founders of InterviewPlanner, and we're super excited to share our launch here. 🎉🎉🎉 We started building InterviewPlanner around 5 months ago because interview scheduling was a huge pain point at our previous company, and we felt like there had to be a less manual, more user-friendly solution. InterviewPlanner integrates with Greenhouse, Google Calendar, and Zoom to create an easy, fast scheduling experience! We let you manage interviewer skills and attributes in order to create rule-based interviewer pools. And, we help you stay ahead of your scheduling tasks by creating a personalized to-do list. We welcome any questions and/or feedback! P.S. shoot me an email at pallavi@interviewplanner.com and I can send you your own sandbox environment to play around with :)