Ben Davis

Insiderviz - Insider trading data and visualizations

All in one tool for insider trading data. With visualizations, detailed data tables, screeners, notifications, and more, Insiderviz has everything you need to understand companies like an insider.

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Ben Davis
Hi everyone! We're excited to unveil Insiderviz, a tool that transforms how you view and analyze insider trading data. All of our data is sourced from the SEC EDGAR api. Key Features: - Intuitive company and insider pages with trade visualizations - Advanced screeners for companies and forms - Cluster buys and top companies at your fingertips - Most features are free, with premium options for power users (notifications) What's Next: - Institutional holdings reports (Form 13f) - Annual reports (Form 10k) - And much more in the pipeline! We're constantly improving, so your feedback is invaluable. Give Insiderviz a spin and let us know what you think!