Indie Hackers
Real stories from real startup founders.
Channing Allen
Become an Indie Hacker — The ultimate resource for starting profitable side projects
It's 2020, and thousands of people have already begun their journey to create a profitable side project. Collaborate with hundreds of others to use the best tools and guides on the web as you find an idea, build, launch, and grow your product to profitability.
Cohan Robinson
I love IH as much as the next nerd but it’s a bit cheeky to be posting it as a new launch..
Channing Allen
@cohan Sorry for the confusion! We're not launching We're launching, which is an interactive and guided process for new indie hackers to start projects and network with other entrepreneurs. It might help to think of Indie Hackers as a business with several products, of which this new resource is one.
Cohan Robinson
@channingallen Huh.. I must have tapped the logo or something when the page loaded because I ended up on the homepage. Sorry Channing! I should have double checked before hitting reply
Jói Sigurdsson
Great community!!
Stas Kulesh
I've been building Karma Rewards and tracking our weekly progress for more than a year now. Indie Hackers Community provided great support: it's very friendly and knowledgeable. Karma at IH: ← 120+ updates posted.
Best platform to learn and help others. Love it
Amanda Schulze
Congrats @csallen!!
Bart Boch
Indie Hackers is one of those awesome places where there is a high ratio of give:take. A lot of valuable knowledge, extremely helpful community, whole bunch of awesome folk! If you want to plunge in to starting a startup, Indie Hackers is a place to begin with. Ask questions, learn from others, share your progress. For me, the coolest part if "Products" section, where you can learn about company revenue, traffic, and updates.
I love Indie Hackers. Taught me a lot, just by reading. :) Quick short-url for your IH profile
Himanshu Sharma
Had no idea that Indiehackers had never launched on PH! Awesome product and brilliant community
John Bae
Awesome, helpful community of entrepreneurs from all around the world!
Andrei Baklinau
Awesome and so active community! Good job @channingallen !)
Channing Allen
Hi Product Hunt! 👋 In the 3+ years since Indie Hackers launched as a side project, it's grown from a small collection of interviews with founders to a global community of people working together to make money from their side projects and online businesses. We put together this resource to help brand new first-time indie hackers learn how to get started, and to celebrate how many people are making it through the journey.
Preet Arjun Singh
@channingallen Recently discovered this community and I'm so glad to be a part of it. The community has that magical element where every member believes in giving forward, without expecting an immediate return. Kudos on building such a well curated platform.
Anita Toth
@channingallen You and your team have done an amazing job at building a strong and supportive community. I'm so glad I discovered Indie Hackers a while ago. It's great for learning, asking questions and networking. 👍👍
Alex K
@channingallen Been with you for over a year, you guys are amazing.
Channing Allen
@designsingh Glad to have you!
Channing Allen
@anita_toth1 Thanks for helping to make the community as supportive as it is!
Dave Poly
Congrats on all the success with Indie Hackers @channingallen and @csallen! I've gotten so much value from the site and podcast. Keep it up!
The friendliest community I've taken part in :)
Scott Mathson
Looks like a PR-worthy piece inspired by most recent podcast episode conversation ;-) congrats!
­Anmol Parashar
Although, I don't get to interact much nowadays or update Castup's IH page, Indie Hackers remains one of my favorite internet communities. Love this new resource, although if I'm being honest I had already seen it when you were asking for feedback on it from other Hackers 😉@channingallen
Farid Movsumov
Indie Hackers is one of the favorite websites I am visiting regularly. I am listening to Podcasts everyday on my way to work, dreaming about creating my own business. Thanks for this great product @csallen
Akhil Pillai
Good resource to find knowledge on product marketing, sales & productivity tools & advice.
Indiehackers is helpful, constructive and collaborative. I love using IH daily as a go-to place to ask questions, provide feedback and ask for my own. Thank you so much guys!
Dan Benoni
Great community. Solid work @channingallen !