Adithya Shreshti

Index - Remember better

Index lets you save all your notes, links, and files in one searchable place.

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Adithya Shreshti
Index looks like a revamped Google Keep - available for Android and iOS, and as add-ons for Chrome and Mozilla. Soon to be available as apps for Windows and Mac.
Brian Cox
@adithya Will take that as a compliment! Was a Keep user (among many others) for some time myself and it definitely offered some inspiration for Index. But Index is built as a layer above storage and traditional note apps like Keep, Evernote, Dropbox, and similar. It's built to be more of a configurable dashboard than just a bookmarking app. Personally I think of it more akin to Trello that holds anything and is waiting everywhere to catch anything you #tag. Also check out /commands in Index. It's thought provoking! We're super excited about a follow up release that is going to really demonstrate the power that a command dashboard can offer. We always wanted to build an evil genius control panel for the masses. But we instead decided to build a benevolent genius control for the masses. 😄 Thanks for hunting! ✨💎✨
Michael Brooks
Would love to be able to test this out; living in Canada and can't access in the Play Store.
Brian Cox
@michaelibrooks fixing this today! 🤓
Brian Cox
@michaelibrooks fixed for you and a lot of other countries! Thanks for pointing that out.
Cris Firmo
@michaelibrooks @0xc00010ff I am from Brazil and the App does does not appear too ps: remove geoblocking from your app att play and appstores becuase you are losing a lot of potential new users I loved the concept of the app to organize my ideas, resources and inspiration ;) BTW: Try allowing to signup also in the site Tks
Brian Cox
@renhard We've added Indonesia ❤️
Brian Cox
@michaelibrooks @cris_firmo We're in Brazil now ❤️. Site login coming soon- just have to also build a pretty welcome interface so people know what they can do with Index.
Brian Cox
Hey this is my thing! Thanks for hunting. We just launched yesterday at Disrupt Battlefield and the response has been overwhelming! Will try to answer questions Wednesday morning PDT. 🙌💎✨
Adithya Shreshti
@0xc00010ff Haha! This is of-course your thingy! I was to reach out to Anthony (of TechCrunch) to ask him whether he knows your Twitter handle in order to you here. Great handle btw, the world cannot figure you out on twitter!
Adithya Shreshti
@0xc00010ff And hey! how should I reach you? Would have to discuss something
Brian Cox
Oh yeah, almost forgot the best part! Check out the /producthunt command 🙌 (just search /producthunt)
Michael Tavani
about to dive in. clean, simple and works with my existing workflow.
Sooraj Chandran
Nothing happens when I click on the MacOS icon in download page. 🤔
Brian Cox
@iamsooraj For now 🙃. The MacOS and Windows icons are grayed out because we had to put development on hold for our big launch. After the dust settles, we'll get you that Mac app. Should be out in a week or less! 🙌
Beth Poston Duke

This app has the capability of keeping me organized


It keeps ME organized


None found

Lyondhür Picciarelli
I’m going to put this in a rather odd way: I.. am.. shocked! @0xc00010ff I wasn’t expecting to find the UX so incredibly captivating and the workflow so very much in tune with how I actually like to organize my dos and things. Truly amazing work. I want to take this to extreme testing and get all my current stuff in and see where it takes me. Is there any ETA for the Mac app? How can I extend eventual limitations (if there’s any)? Anything for Producthunters? I wish the best for the project/team. I’m looking forward to testing it and, if things go well, help out. Sincere congratulations.
Brian Cox
@lyondhur umm... that’s like the best response anyone could ever hope for when releasing a product. I’m absolutely flattered. Seriously just made my year. Mac app coming next week. Please email me your username at so I can give your account full superuser status forever.
Lyondhür Picciarelli
@indexapp @0xc00010ff This is awesome mate, cheers! I have just sent you an email with an UX outline of why I'm so excited about your project. Now, I have to go to bed as well. Talk again soon. Enjoy a cool day mate. Cheers again.
@0xc00010ff I have to agree (not only bc I would love to have a superuser status). I love the simplicity that allows for extremely well organized collections. Fits my way of storing things right to the letter. Seriously awesome product!
Taylor Banks
Is the index data stored locally? Does your team have access to our data?
Brian Cox
@taylor_banks Great question! Index stores everything in the AWS cloud, backed up multiple times a day. All of your sensitive information is encrypted with the utmost care and observance of modern protocol. And later this year we're adding full encryption at rest even to your notes and bookmarks. The databases have a single permission for the API servers, so we personally can't explore data. The team would NEVER look at user's personal data, even if we could. That is something we will always hold sacred.
Taylor Banks
@0xc00010ff roger that, thanks. Sadly, I'm holding out for a zero knowledge solution to this problem. While I might be able to trust that *your* team would never look at user data, the mere capability exposes that same data to potential bad actors. Love the idea, and will continue to monitor your progress. :)
Brian Cox
@taylor_banks I respect your high standards and cannot wait to reach back out when we are locked down and encrypted to the bit.
Neil Owen

Get it. You won't be sorry.


Sleek and powerful.


I want more.

Mark Allen
Just installed the Android app and will get Chrome extension later. Looking to see if this will work for my daily work flow and tons of scribbled notes
Juan Visbal
What makes Index different and better than other bookmarking apps/services around?
Brian Cox
@juanscv great question! Index is an organizational layer above your existing storage and bookmarking tools- it’s fantastic for bookmarking but the real utility is in allowing you to control the content that lives in all your many services. It’s like a super simple aggregator for *all* of your stuff.
Cris Firmo
Hi I went to the site and I liked the concept (It looks good to organize my thoughts, ideas, and references But the site does not allow to signup on the web, and the playstore does not allow me to get the app because of geoblocking to my country (Brazil) Please, fix the country blocking and or allow people to sign up on the web too Tks
Brian Cox
@cris_firmo Brazil on the way! Check the store tomorrow 🙌
Charlie Coppinger
I'm currently a Workflowy user and would be curious as to how this might be better?
Brian Cox
@thecoppinger I LOVE workflowy. I remember where I was when I first downloaded the app. Don't stop using it! Index sits a level above that, so just Index your workflowy home page and add it to your #daily dashboard (just as an example, you can call it #anything), alongside your Dropbox files, link to Gmail inbox, and whatever else is part of your daily workflow. Or if you want to buy in to Index further, Index individual nodes in workflowy as part of another #idea.
Charlie Coppinger
@0xc00010ff Gotcha, that makes sense! I'm putting my introduction of new tools on pause until the dust from Workflowy has settled, but I'll make a note to check this out soon. Thanks Brian, all the best with this!
Cris Firmo

Great service to collect and tag all important stuff :)

Waiting for the desktop (Windows and Mac) app now


Super great service



Andrew Ferrarone

Great way to organize my photos and research into one place. I have enjoyed the app so far!


Clean and simple, intuitive.


just keep going with more features.

Shane Carlson
@0xc00010ff This product is fantastic! We going to be able to download the assets we index? And are those assets indexed at the same resolution as the original files? Thanks in advance.
David Matichuk
Hmm, it's not obvious how to open a tagged web page in safari. I feel like it's locked in the index app for some reason and I want to get it out. What if I want to share a real link, without the index wrapper?
John Fearn

Tagging is super streamlined, making it the quickest and easiest way to save content and organise things.


Simple and customisable


More commands, and a bit of finessing that I'm sure will come

Joe Pairman

Index basically bookmarks stuff, using tags. Evernote does that but also clips whole pages or simplified versions, stores docs, allows rich text, works offline, and lots more. EN has its drawbacks but is overall far more productive. Using Index as a layer on top, as its makers more sensibly suggest when they're not tweeting "Sorry Evernote", would add complexity and require online access all the time.


Flexibly nestable tags


It's promoted as an Evernote replacement but doesn't come close.