Andy Wong

imWeather - I'm the weather app you need


Weather info is crucial to your life, found other apps inaccurate? imWeather is here to help.
We provide:
- Everyday info
- Minimalistic
-Customization at will
- imWeather Pro with Exclusive Notifications and Customizations

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Andy Wong
Introducing imWeather Pro, a premium service provided by imWeather. Join us, and enjoy imWeather like a Pro. Procations - a weather alert system available starting today. Weather info is crucial to your life, found other apps inaccurate? imWeather is here to help. We provide accurate weather info based on your current location or your favourite hometown. - imWeather Pro imWeather Pro brings you exclusive features beyond your imagination. From notifications to customizations, imWeather Pro got your back. Today, we proudly introduce you the first and best features we have ever made, Procations! Procations is a weather alert system, preparing you for the immediate and future weather. Procations provide: - Unlimited number of locations registered for alerts - 4 types of alerts, ranging from Temperature Change, Wind Speed, Precipitation and Official Alert issued by your local government - Alerts based on forecast of the coming few hours, notify you in advance - Off-device magic, hence no battery drain affecting your daily life - Privacy-focused, no constant location update required imWeather Pro is a lifetime, one-off purchase. You only pay once and we will keep on delivering additional features to you. While more and more features will arrive in the future, Procations is ready for prime time! Share with your friend and never get fooled once again. - Everyday info With the everyday weather info, you will never forget to bring your umbrella again. From precipitation probability to UV and temperature. imWeather got you covered. Just hop on to the app so you'll never miss the shine. - Minimalistic imWeather is built to suit our needs, but I know somewhere over the rainbow, there are some of you just like us. Minimal disturbance is essential to our cluttered life. imWeather does not put any ads/banners/or even popovers that get in your way. You could enjoy the seamless experience integrated with the ecosystem. imWeather is here to stay, and we will be minimal till the sun goes die. -Customization No matter you are from the US, Asia, Europe, or other beautiful horizons, info that suits your taste is critical. We provide easy unit conversion which brings imWeather to your life. Extensive customization will come further down the road, but we assure you the spirit of imWeather will never die. -Widgets With our minimalistic approach, we want imWeather to suit your life, not get in the way. Have you tried our newly designed widgets yet? It worth your try and imWeather will melt into your life. We have 4 categories, 9 widgets in total for you to choose from, place it on your Home Screen and be conscious of the weather around you, throughout your life. It is base on your current location. More widgets will be included in a later version. Feel free to contact us for more information and hope you enjoy imWeather like a Pro.