Hi all,
This is most definitely a joke, I read Neil Straus's The Game and thought it both incredibly informative, interesting, and toxic. (Had no idea what a neg was lol). From my POV, that's what you get when you get a group of men wrapped in fear and surrender to it. But I empathize, dating, no matter how old or young, how emotionally crippled, how rich or famous you are, is always an incredibly scary thing.
I've had my own experiences with dating apps and though I have my thoughts on them, there's no doubt that they're one of the more interesting sociological phenomena in the internet age.
That being said, I thought it would be a fun experiment to make a barebones, email-based dating app that asks the questions that your most socially unintelligent friend would ask ("I'm only saying it how it is") < that one.
So here it is. It's fully functional and most certainly an MVP. No plans to monetize, just wanted to get this out there.
If you made it this far, please remember to treat people well. esp. those you date. No matter the emotions or the trauma you experience(d), no matter how twisted your psyche is, if you do something to hurt others that shit will mess you up in a pretty extreme way. And remember that the way you treat others is a reflection of how you treat yourself, if you're an asshole then you're probably an asshole to yourself and that's a pretty heartbreaking state of mind. The simplest and highest value way to raise your happiness threshold is to think of yourself as someone with dignity, integrity, and self-respect, and you can do that by treating both you and the people around you in that way.
Don't use this app.
Next one will be a serious piece of software, I promise.
Fresh Start Careers