Imbue has been a mutli year journey with many launches, many lessons learned, many dead ends and tons of struggle. But like anything rewarding in life it takes going through those tough times to create something magical.
While we aren't at the magical stage yet, this is a great proof of concept for a completely decentralized (when we say decentralized, we actually mean it - the website hosted on IPFS, the domain created through ENS, resolved through .limo, streaming hosted on Livepeer & all of the data is stored on the blockchain.)
The project will at the appropriate time, transition to a DAO so that they creators and users have direct input into how the protocol is set up and structured and will share in the upside of the project through the value that they provide to the network.
Having worked in a web3 company for the past year, growing it from small startup to key industry player, the web3 space is ripe to disrupt their web2.0 counterparts and we hope to be that force in the streaming space.