Fajar Siddiq

3D Style Icons Pack by iconshock - Neat, beautifully designed 3D icons in Ultra HD resolution

A new pack from iconshock featuring a huge collection of carefully created 3D style icons with 5 different color palettes and 2 viewpoints (front and perspective). Available for download in high resolution!

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Juan Sarmiento
First off, thanks @fajarsiddiq for hunting us and for being so awesome with all the community! We’ve been working on these icons for a while now and we’re super excited with this release. Right now this pack includes over 1250 icons created in 3D design style in ultra HD resolution so you can use them at any scale you need them on! The designs are made with 2 different viewpoints (front view & perspective view) and include 5 different color palette variations with trendy color combinations, and the whole pack is available for download in high resolution files (4K), or you can also access them on the Artify Editor to use them on your designs right away! TL;DR 🔥 Over 1250 Icons 💎 Neat 3D design style 📦 Files in PNG format 🔎 4K ultra HD resolution 🎨 5 distinctive color palettes 🏕️ 2 different views: front & perspective 📥 Available for download and on the Artify editor! ❤️ As always, thank you guys for your support! Let us know what you think of these, feedback is always welcome so feel free to leave a comment or reach out to us on twitter at https://twitter.com/IconShock and https://twitter.com/JuanPabloSarmi
Fajar Siddiq
Congrats @juanpablosarmi is awesome to see 3D icons more popular! Definitely the future of icon is here. I love the designs 💜
Musharof Chowdhury
Detailed and amazing design, Congrats on the launch! @juanpablosarmi
@fajarsiddiq @juanpablosarmi nice these are cool, congrats on launch!
Juan Sarmiento
@fajarsiddiq @graeme_fulton Thank you so much, we really hope you can use it in your projects
Csaba Kissi
Wow man! Part of Artify? Let me try it right away.
Juan Sarmiento
@csaba_kissi yessss please try and let me know :)
Csaba Kissi
@juanpablosarmi They look super cool! The preview of full pack would be appreciated. Even in bad resolution. Just to see whats included there.
Juan Sarmiento
@csaba_kissi soon we will include characters as well ;)
Maximilian Fleitmann
Amazing work. Will use it asap!
Samir Rashed
Congrats, amazing work @juanpablosarmi @fajarsiddiq 🤩👏👏
Fajar Siddiq
@juanpablosarmi @samir_soliman thank you Samir 💯 really appreciate it. As 3D design grows, is so awesome to use this pack for the next project. It looks futuristic! and love the colours
Zoltán Szőgyényi
Awesome looking icons! Great job 😊
Juan Sarmiento
@zolidev thanks master ! What would be your next launch?
Dan Siepen
This is awesome Juan! You do a great job with these icon collections :) - so good! Very useful for a new project I’m working on! :)
Juan Sarmiento
@dansiepen great, if you use them just let us know, would be amazing to see them in production projects :)
Looks sick! Congrats man! :)
Juan Sarmiento
@tonixx thanks toni !
Juan Sarmiento
@tonixx ✌️😉
vijay verma
This is huge 🤩 Congrats for launch
Juan Sarmiento
@realvjy Vijay, coming from you, that means a lot, we admire your work !! Thanks
Anton Prakash
Icons are looking great, Congrats!
Juan Sarmiento
@antonjprakash amazing that you like it Anton !
Website seems to be down, am I the only one?
Juan Sarmiento
@rohanharikr check it out again, please. It is working.
Jim Raptis
Amazing collection. Can't wait to try the icons. Good luck with your launch 🚀
Juan Sarmiento
@draptis thanks Jim :)
David Miller
The icons are looking fantastic; Congratulation on the launch
Juan Sarmiento
@davidmiller4312 david ! hope you find it useful :) if you use them in any of your projects please let us know ;)
Michael Sieb
@juanpablosarmi congrats on the launch! Always helpful to have such icons in your inventory 👋
Juan Sarmiento
@michael_sieb master, it's always great to count with your support:)
Porush Puri
Kudos on creating a great product! Looking forward to using it!
Juan Sarmiento
@porush_puri please do ! a landing for one of your projects, designed with those icons, would look neat !
Congratulation on the launch @juanpablosarmi Icons looks great :)
Juan Sarmiento
@sivaram636 thanks Sivaram :) hope you find it useful :)
Astronault M
Congrats Juan! Impressive work. So these icon are available in which format? Can they load fast despite the high resolution?
Juan Sarmiento
@astronault_m You can download them in PNG format. They come in 4000x4000px but that's the max resolution, you can decrease it depending on your needs. As you can see in the website they load fast!
Daniel Jimenez
Excellent work Juan! what beautiful icons!
Juan Sarmiento
@daniel_jimenez3 ✌️🚀 thanks to you daniel !
Paul Semanski
They are fantastic! Great quality!
Juan Sarmiento
@paul_semanski thanks, we put lot of attention to details to achieve that quality
Varun Nair
Its truly amazing back to back projects that you come up with @juanpablosarmi. Kudos to the team that works behind the curtains to be consistent enough to get more and more attention and creative from your designers lab.
Juan Sarmiento
@iamvarunnair master, thanks for the kind words, coming from an expert like you this means a lot! already sent the msg to the team :) you are right, it's a work's team :) Good luck with your projects sensei !
Chen Chen
These icons look good!
Juan Sarmiento
@chen_chen5 thanks :)