Ivan Braun

Background Remover - Quickly remove the background from any photo for free

Need to clip the background out of a photo to use on an e-commerce store or web design? No problem! Just upload your images to the background remover, and our AI will handle the rest.
- 1-click simplicity
- High-quality image masking
- Bulk processing

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Ivan Braun
The background remover works like magic. Just upload images that need the backgrounds removed and hit go. Our AI will handle the work of selecting the subject, masking the image, and eliminating the background. In short order, you will get back neatly clipped transparent PNG files. Best of all, this solution scales. With API access available, you can integrate background removal directly into your own products. Stop wasting time trying to hire someone on Fiverr or Upwork to clip images! This works perfectly for selling products on Shopify and Amazon, or for turning images into company assets. - True 1-click operation. Upload → ✨ → download. - High-quality image masking, without degradation. - Process many photos at once with bulk uploading - Scaleable with API access.
Akhilesh Balaji
@visualpharm what advantages does this bring over other tools like RemoveBg and Slazzer?
Tyler Lastovich
@visualpharm @akhilesh_balaji After training and refining our background removal tool for the last year and a half internally –we are happy to finally add it to our other creative AI offerings. We are providing our customers with a tool that is convenient, effective, and very economical (*ahem* free) regardless of the other players in the field. It works especially well on fine details such as hair or clothing. Give it a try, you have nothing to lose! :)
Akhilesh Balaji
@visualpharm I gave it a try, and I think it works really well, especially with the alpha channels feature. I like using tools from a single company most of the time, and with Background Removers, Image Upscalers, and AI Anonymizers, I think Icons8 has provided it all.
Martin Santon
Why do we need more of these products?
Luba Zee
@martinsanton From where I see it, to let the best ones win :)
Ivan Braun
@martinsanton from a consumer's perspective, to lower the costs and raise quality. From an entrepreneur's perspective, to build a more robust business model. We use Background Remover in two of our products so far, https://lunacyapp.com and https://icons8.com/vector-creator. With the industry's $0.10-0.20 per image, we can't make it free. Moreover, we must be careful turning it into a paid unlimited feature, watching for overuse. By creating our model, we can make it free or cheap. We can balance overuse by merely managing the queue. A customer needs lots of images processed — ok, we get it, but he has to retake each new image line. Another point is we need better quality that the industry could provide. We want to reach the quality standard of our internal background removal team that works for our photography.
already checked !! the result is super
Luba Zee
@temaprint Glad you like it! ❤️
David Mullis
This is a product that I have been looking forward to for so long.
Luba Zee
@davidmullis Thanks! ❤️
Ishwar Jha
I checked and it works like magic. Thanks for all your efforts and especially keeping it free. I would be curious to know how you would monetize unless it is a hobby project for you
Luba Zee
@ishwarjha Thanks! We'll keep it free for as long as we can. For now, we monetize with a paid API option for those who need to remove backgrounds from thousands and millions of photos, just like we do ;)
Ivan Braun
@ishwarjha for now, it's a self-promotion. People spread the word, we get a stronger brand and a SEO boost. This way, we sell our other products, especially icons and illustrations. You're right, we do computing on GPUs which is expensive. In future, we'll have to either: - Rewrite it for CPU - Figure out some kind of freemium (smaller images OR several images for free, then for $0.20 like we did it for https://icons8.com/upscaler) - A combination of the previous two.
Dimitri Marko
Truly impressive product. Keep working hard to make those blurry, complex images as perfect as the neat ones!
Luba Zee
@dimitri_addmin Thank you very much! And if you need to make blurry images sharper, we've already made the Smart Upscaler for that, you're welcome to try it https://icons8.com/upscaler
Dimitri Marko
@luba_z That's also a cool product there! I think blurry wasn't the right word.. I tried with underwater images, or images with a background FULL of patterns. I think complex was the most correct word, but maybe my 2 examples can illustrate better! I'll be watching :)
Luba Zee
@dimitri_addmin Oh, I get it! Such images are tricky ones, indeed. I'll challenge our ML team with some examples :)
Szymon Adamiak
Okay, that's exactly what I needed. Great product!
Luba Zee
@sadamiak Much appreciated!
Pavel Pavluychik
Outstanding results. I will use this every time I need to remove the background.
Luba Zee
@ashe_hecarim Thanks! I wonder how many hours of work it would save for you ;)
So there is no size cap & unlimited uses, am i getting this right?
Ivan Braun
@ze_rusty you're getting it right! Free, no caps, no limits, no nothing.
Jay June
Works like a charm! Great job, Icons8👍
Luba Zee
@jay_june Aww, thanks, Jay! ❤️
Julia Gnedin
Very useful thing, I quess. How to find it on icons8?
Luba Zee
@julia_gnedina Thanks for pointing to this! We'll add it to the header navigation menu asap!
Giacinto Carlucci
This is truly amazing, but I think that there are a lot of competitors out there with a similar solution, the one thing that could bring you up is the API access (I noticed that you have other products with API access so you surely know how to manage this), How about having a free plan with max 100 downloads/mo to try little projects and then scale to another plan when necessary? P.S.: tried with a very grainy image, worked like a charm!
Ivan Braun
@giacintocarlucci many thanks! I agree, in general, we should support our clients on the development and rollout stages and don't charge them unless they generate larger traffic and/or profit. Those who are evaluating our API, drop us a line at luba@icons8.com and we won't let you down.
Marina Yalanska
Another time-and-effort-saver from your team for designers and content creators. Great job!
Luba Zee
@myalanska Really, a life-saver it is! ❤️
Mogens Kramtoft
Thanks it will make life a little easier for me!
Luba Zee
@mogens_kramtoft That's what we did it for! Thanks!
Kseniia Kudrytska
Finally i found it!
Luba Zee
@kseniia_kudrytska Glad you've found it! Feel free to share your feeback with us!
Jaisal Rathee
Fantastic! Congrats on the launch. Can't wait to use it :)
Refat Ametov
Just checked it out. Amazing tool, guys, it really does its job great!
Luba Zee
@refat_ametov Thanks a lot! ❤️
Tommi Urtti
Works well, well done!
Ivan Braun
@frankbyte thank you! That means a lot for us.
Anna Wang
I actually came across this via a google search — it was so useful. I used it for slackmojis :) Thanks for creating a great product!
Luba Zee
@annawang457 Thanks, Anna! ❤️
Karin Defoe
Beautiful tool. Works great.