This is a brilliant idea. I have a folder on my desktop called 'Design inspiration'. I use a chrome extension to capture full page screenshots when I see website designs I like and save them in that folder. I gathered over 500+ website screenshots over the years. Hypershoot might just be able to replace all that!
1) Do you have the options to automatically take screenshots from several pages of a website at once? (let say I want to keep the Homepage, About page and Team page)
2) Why don't you have the discover page as your homepage (like dribbble is doing)? Doing it this way would get your users to engage quickly with your content/browse around. You could then have a call to actions on each page to get users to learn more about the platform and sign up.
@_alexiroy Great questions !
1) We do not have that, you have to go on each page and save them.
2) Yes, you're right! When you are not logged in, we must show the discover section, that's something we need to change. When you're logged in we'd like to do some recommandations and show you websites you don't know and that you may like - this is where we would like to go
Hi @doivoid. The purpose of Hypershoot is to save and organize full page screenshots (including mobile, tablet view when available) of websites. On the other hand Dropmark only gives us a small preview of the page and a link. If the website changes, or is no longer available you cannot access it anymore. These are two different usage, Hypershoot is designed primarily to benchmark and discover websites through its interface while Dropmark works more like a traditional bookmarking tool.
@madgraphism Thanks Mathias! We're not completely similar to Pinterest, on Hypershoot you can bookmark only pages (no images, no video, no text) then we do a capture of this page in mobile / tablet / desktop version.
Thanks @erictwillis for hunting us! We released this version exactly a week ago.
Here's a special board that you can follow if you're into startups (I guess you are)
We hope you will like it and we will be really happy to get your feedback and answer your questions!
Very nice tool, thank you! You are planning to release Mac & iOS versions? Maybe offline browsing in my library will be possible soon? Really big thanks, anyway :)
Looks cool. Being a Dropmark user, my concern is that if I migrate to your service, will I be able to import my bookmark list from Dropmark to Hypershoot?
@bertwitt@keyboardkarl Interesting! I always assumed that it took the screenshot locally. Have you guys ever shared any information about how it works behind the scenes? It's so fast and the the quality is amazing.
@iwozzy@keyboardkarl Indeed the screenshots are not made in local. We made it that way because it provides you a better experience. If your internet is slow, or if you're in a hurry you don't want to stay on the page waiting that the screenshot is made and then uploading it without leaving the page. We didn't shared how it work, all I can say that the screenshots are made on online, but the "how" is secret :)
Nicely Done
Nicely Done
Nicely Done
Nicely Done
Nicely Done
Nicely Done
Nicely Done
Nicely Done
Nicely Done