Sandra Djajic

Hunted Space - Insights on Product Hunt launches


View advanced dashboards on your product votes & comments and statistics of Product Hunt launches. Understand how successful launches come to be. Get an overview of the best products, explore upvotes, comments, topics, and more.

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Dan Mindru
Hey lovely Product Hunt people, thanks for stopping by! Today we're excited to launch a shiny new Hunted.Space, rebuild with Shipixen! We want Hunted to be the best place to get insights on Product Hunt launches, but also a place to discover new products and brilliant makers, Also, we're starting a blog on Hunted.Space with guides and checklists to help make your product and launch a success. Here's what's changed in version 2 πŸ‘€ πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ¨ Reworked frontpage, charts, navigation and added sorting. Now the top 10 products are front-and-center! πŸ“š We have started to add guides and help articles so you can make the best out of your launch! βŒ› You can now "time travel" ― see top 10 in the past. Future coming in v3 πŸ“– There's more focus on topics and a brand new "Top categories" page which shows the top categories as well as top products in a given month. Also with time travel 😎 πŸ“ˆ Dashboards have also been reworked, there is now information on topics & it's easier to analyze at a glance how you're doing compared to nearest competitors. ------------------------------------ 🌟 Featured Products & Sponsors 🌟 Hunted.Space, is all about supporting your journeyβ€”before, during, and after your launch. Now, we're offering new ways to get your product noticed. So, secure special spots for your products to stand out on our site. This is your chance to shine and capture the attention of our active community, either through the feature page or sponsorship. ------------------------------------ πŸ“±πŸ’»πŸ–₯️ In general, there's now better optimization for both smaller and larger screens, so you can enjoy it on the go or at the office πŸ™‚. That and a ton of UI/UX improvements across the board! And so much more. Beautiful. Responsive. Dark mode included. Looking forward to your feedback and suggestions. Thanks for dropping by. Your support means the world to us ❀️ Sandra, Alex & Dan -- TakoTreba aliszu d4m1n
Lokesh Singh
@dan_mindru hey i loved the idea , how can i contribute to the codebade . i am a full stack developer currently in my second year .
@dan_mindru @sandradjajic o wow! that is super helpful! It's pity I didn,t find that before, that is incredibly helpful for all the makers who care! thanks for all your hard work and all the best!
Neel Patel
Always here for @sandradjajic @dan_mindru <3 And of course, always using for the dashboard!
Sandra Djajic
@neelptl2602 ohhh thank you so much Neel!!!
Dan Mindru
@sandradjajic @neelptl2602 thank you Neel! πŸ™‡β€β™‚οΈ
Sandra Djajic
Here we go!!!! So happy to see new version of hunted out. Super proud to see hunted growing into something big. ❀️
Congrats @dan_mindru, Sandra, and Alex on the launch! πŸš€ The changes look amazing. I'm excited to check it out. I'm sure all Product Hunters feel the same. ❀️ What kinds of insights will be revealed by analysing top 10 launches from the past? Also, how does one become a sponsor for Hunted.Space?
Dan Mindru
@jgani thank you so much Jonni! The past data is quite useful in preparing for launch day. The calendar helps with picking a launch date by giving you a general idea of the number of upvotes needed. Then you can "zoom in" with the past dashboards & understand what upvote speed you should maintain as well as the # of upvotes needed in the first 4 hours of the launch (which are critical to success). Hope that helps! Please check to learn more about sponsorships πŸ™Œ
Simona O'Neill
Great stuff! Such a handy dashboard to have. Well done to all involved! I will be checking it regularly :-)
Alex Szczurek
@simona_o_neill3 thank you Simona!
Great tool ! I tried to find a product but nothing happened. The Algolia powered search bar could have an issue ?
Dan Mindru
@mho22 thank you! Ah yes, seems like the high traffic depleted my search quota πŸ™ˆ Should be back soon, sorry for that!
John Rush
One of the most useful free apps in internet. I use it every single day. More often than PH itself
Sandra Djajic
@johnrushx same here John!!!
Dan Mindru
@johnrushx John, this is so nice of you to say. Thank you so much for all of the support and the kind words!
Ilias Ism
Launching soon!
πŸ”Œ Plugged in
Hunted Space has helped me several times to detect and find fraud on Product Hunt. I won Product of the Day with thanks to the analytics they revealed! It's an essential tool and I'm so happy to use it.
Alex Szczurek
@illyism can't wait to see another #1 from you! thanks for the support!
Dan Mindru
@illyism this is just brilliant. Thank you so much and hope to help many more of your launches succeed 😬
Spencer Dixon
This looks awesome! Big fan of product just doing one thing really well and I think you've nailed that here. And for free too!
Sandra Djajic
@spencerldixon So happy to hear that, thank you!
Alex Szczurek
@spencerldixon thank you so much for the support!!
Mansi Trivedi
Loving the version 2.0! Congratulations on tha launch πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ’«
Sandra Djajic
@mansi_trivedi1 Thank You!
Alex Szczurek
@mansi_trivedi1 great to hear it! thanks for the support!
I fcking love that new interface! I'm now going to settle comfortably into a sofa with popcorn and put Hunted Space on CINEMATIC-MODE-FCK-YEAH and yell like a rugby supporter when a product overtake another one all day long. (that's a lot of f... sorry) Great job as always guys <3
Alex Szczurek
@majorbaguette 😎😎
Dan Mindru
@majorbaguette haha someone was saying it's like watching a F1 race, @aliszu knows. Thanks Dany!
Cem Özçelik
The new version is really amazing. You're great @sandradjajic , Dan, Alex 🀟
Sandra Djajic
@cem_ozcelik yesss!!! I love it. Also check the blog, I am super proud on the work we put there. Thank you ❀️
Marcel Sim
It is simply genius, and luckily to have your service as PH delivers nothing really helpful on that end, Keep it up :)
Dan Mindru
@marcel_sim thank you so much Marcel! Indeed, the reason we first made Hunted was to get more insights before & during launch. It's been super helpful to pick the correct launch day and coordinate launches ― we hope v2 will be even better!
Yankun Zhao
Have to give my upvote because I checked this dashboard at least 50 times on my launch day! 🀣 Great tool!
Alex Szczurek
@yankun_zhao thank you so much! keep checking! we can send you popcorn πŸ™Œ
Congrats on the launch! πŸ₯³ Hunting Product Hunt just got a lot better with this new version. Great job, as always. πŸ‘
Alex Szczurek
@marvr thank you!πŸ”₯
Dan Mindru
@marvr thanks Marvin! πŸ™Œ
John McTavish
Have you ever seen a more beautiful graph? Didn't think so. Hunted space is fresh like hot coffee every morning β˜•οΈ
Alex Szczurek
@john__mct thank you for the support John!
Dan Mindru
@john__mct love this! Thank you John. Speaking of which, time to make a coffee!
Sergiu Chiriac
This launch will be hiiuuugee!! I'm always using Hunted Space I think it's a cool indicator to check on launching products.
Alex Szczurek
@sergiu_chiriac let's goooo! it's time to get #1!!
Fabio Salvadori
πŸ’‘ Bright idea
Great tool. The calendar opportunity is not to be missed, for makers. I can forsee a paid version for interrogating data with AI and getting patterns about best launching days per category or type of product, for example. Really impressive app and impossible not to support. Well done.
Alex Szczurek
@fabiosalvadori thank you so much Fabio for feedback and support! Means a lot to us!
Dan Mindru
@fabiosalvadori thank you so much for the suggestions Fabio! Indeed, a lot of insights can be revealed by diving deeper into category data! We'll consider to expand that in the future πŸ™Œ
Lera Kuntsevich
I can't imagine my life without HuntedSpace. This is the first place I check when I wake up, only then I check the Stripe notifications. Also UI is really good. Congrats on the launch
Alex Szczurek
@lera_kuntsevich1 Stripe -> Slack -> Hunted -> Toilet -> Kitchen the only way to survive morning!
Dan Mindru
@lera_kuntsevich1 and we can't imagine a good lunch without your support πŸ₯Ή
Lince Mathew
Wow, such a nice product! We are launching next month. A good tool for me is to check the trend of top products and collect insights.
Alex Szczurek
@lince_mathew hope it will help you prepare for the lunch and on lunch day! thanks for the support!
Dan Mindru
@lince_mathew best of luck with the launch! Make sure to check this guide if you haven't