Murat Mutlu - Social infrastructure for modern apps


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Adam Lieb
I prototyped an app with over the summer. Worked great. No complaints. I thought it may have been used to build producthunt when I first saw the product @rrhoover
Ryan Hoover
@allnick - Anyone that registers w/ Twitter can upvote. Currently, 80-150 new people subscribe or register each weekday. @koenigst - What are the coolest apps/prototypes built with
Stefan Koenig
Ryan , I just saw your question. How amazing would it be if I was able to get an email notification whenever there is a new post or mention? hull. What's unique about hull is that everything in hull builds on the user profile. No matter what hull engagement feature you add to your app (web or mobile) all information will be captured in a central user profile / graph. These days, companies have a wide selection of engagement features to make their apps social (fast fix, but doesn't solve the real problem, learning more about your users). The hard part is to map all the information about the user in the app back into one central user profile. Most of the time your team is ending up with a disconnected user base and multiple islands where you have to manage those experiences for your customers. Some of the upcoming features will be a new hull dashboard, forum, conversation just to name a few. Happy to jump on a hangout or call to discuss in further detail.
Murat Mutlu
Hull looks like a great way to plug social into your app without spending the extra time on dev. Super friendly team too
Ryan Hoover
I emailed one of the founders when they were in beta a while back. Super friendly. I haven't tried this yet but I'm very supportive of products that lower the "barrier to entry" to prototype or build a product. I include Squarespace, Flinto, Mailchimp (and many others) in that category.
Ryan Hoover
@adamslieb cool! Can you share the prototype here?
Nick O'Neill
How does one product get so many votes in a short time? Have you guys opened up the site to anybody @rrhoover ? Also, just thinking this should be called "Social infrastructure for web apps" as it doesn't seem to cater to mobile apps.
Stefan Koenig
Thank you for all the support! @allnick noted. I'm happy to jump on a quick call to showcase how hull is catering to mobile apps.
Adam Lieb
Deprecated. It is what I used to prototype our OKR system.
Yuval Shoshan
This is awesome, super useful! Thanks for sharing.
We're definitely using Hull for an upcoming product feature (public voting for event speaker proposals). I added PushUp Social in the related links. It's similar, but for the less tech savvy.
Ryan Hoover
@koenigst - you should receive an email each time your username is mentioned. Please let me know if you don't get this one. You're absolutely right about identity tracking and desperate systems of information. I'm particularly familiar with this in the mobile gaming space coming from PlayHaven.