Jeff Needles

Hubbos - Find your next movie here

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Jeff Needles
This is a really neat site. First off, I ❤️ the design. it's BEAUTIFUL! The idea is pretty simple though.
  • Find awesome movies.
  • Find how/where to see them.
  • Find our about similar movies.
  • Find collections of movies.
  • Find info about movies and the people in them
  • Find all the things!
Really a 💯 site for all the movie lovers 👍.
@jsneedles Thank you for all kind words, Jeff! Happy to be here - thanks to you :)
@jsneedles Itunes?
Daria Suvorova
@rotemthegolfer Thanks a ton for the gif, Rotem! You’ve made our day! ;)
Gabriel Wildsmith
I love things like this, always needing things to watch.
Sergei Chukhan
@meld We are very pleased that you have found it useful for yourself! What do you like the most?
Daria Suvorova
@meld Right?) I am all the time hunting and all the time wanna more and more =)
Gabriel Wildsmith
@chuhansergey I do like the to the point approach. As soon as the site loads, I see films. No sign up page, no guff, films. They're pretty well categorized too! Only thing I said would be great is a link to streaming sites :)
Sergei Chukhan
@meld We already have links to Netflix, Amazon, iTunes and Google Play, however, have some plans to increase the amount of supported streaming services in the future! ;)
Daria Suvorova
Hello, everyone! Thank you for choosing our project and featuring us on Product Hunt, Jeffrey! We’d like to show you our new movie discovery project. Hubbos brings to its users an overview of the movie world. The website is created for those who appreciate clean, elegant design and comfortable, easy-to-understand interface. What you can see at the moment on our site is the presentation of just a small number of the ideas for our project. Our goal is to collect as much feedback as possible and to test our project taking our first steps. We would highly appreciate any suggestions or questions from you. We hope everyone will enjoy Hubbos as much as we do!
Kyle Richey
@dashatraveller Awesome stuff Daria! Love it. I almost built a site just like this but now I don't need too. 😄 I'm curious: What does the name mean? Mine was called "CinemaList" and I loved the name but never got around to building it. Anyway, you guys totally nailed it! One cool thing would be to add an icon when tapping Add to Home Screen. A native app would be awesome too of course. Keep it up!
Daria Suvorova
@imakestrides Oh, thanx a bunch, Kyle! I have to admit that CinemaList sounds unfairly convenient in comparison with Hubbos =))) Hubbos is supposed to mean the main hub for your favorite content, aka movies and TV-series) Great to have this piece of advice from you, will work on them before long! We will keep it up! =)
Kyle Richey
@dashatraveller No problem! Ahh, cool. Not sure if it'd be helpful at this point, but since I'm not going to use it and you have a cool minimalist design style that would fit nicely with the name, let me know if you'd like to use the name CinemaList in any way. If so, I'd be happy to give you the domain name for free if it'd finally be put to good use. If not, no worries. Best of luck!
Daria Suvorova
@imakestrides We are all here enormously grateful. This is a truly generous offer, we never had before) The only thing is that we already got awfully used to our Hubbos name and now we love it with all our hearts. I guess, we have to stick with it then. May all your kindness come back to you at least ten times as much, Kyle. Once again, thank you! =)
Kyle Richey
@dashatraveller No problem, I know it'd be a big change but I figured I'd ask in case. Thanks, same to you! :)
Amit Tiwari
Really nice, I love the year and rating filter working together.
Sergei Chukhan
@pipipzz We’re going to improve it soon: add more streaming services, filter by oscar winners, and maybe filtering by countries. What kind of filters would you like to see?
Amit Tiwari
@chuhansergey for me, these filters are most important, I want to see movie of a particular genre, I don't want to see old movies, so the year filter and I don't want to spend 2 hours watching a movie if it doesn't out to be good, hence the ratings filter. Apart from that, I would love to filter sub-genres within a genre, like if I select sci-fi, I might get movies like Men in Black, but I don't like alien movies, so I could probably filter them out, it would be great. Within, sci-fi, like, if I could filter movies related to computers or AI or say, superhero movies, it would be awesome. And I haven't thought much but other kinds of filters might be interesting too once combined with other filters. So, yeah, looking forward to it.
Sergei Chukhan
@pipipzz Thank you, Amit! Our goal is to keep it simple and useful. We will surely consider your feedback and analyze all of the info we’ve got from you ;)
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Very exciting launch! Love the look of this — and it's useful too! :)
Daria Suvorova
@chrismessina Thank you, Chris! This is exactly what we wanted people to see =)
@zharkov_maxim @producthunt Just beautiful! An amazing site for any movie lover!
Daria Suvorova
@tnsrig Thank you very much, Thanasis! I am such an insatiable lover. It feels awesomely great to be among alike nerds! =)
@tnsrig thanks a lot!
Mohit Gangrade
I always wanted someone to come up with a site like this. I used to search IMDB for good movies. It sucks. The design is clean, neat and beautiful. Great Work
Daria Suvorova
@mohitgangrade Hey, Mohit! I'm all the way in this with you) I was awfully confused when someone asked me of my favorite movie platform. And the deep research has never given me any results. So here we are! Thank you for such a high mark. We are getting better with each day, please, stay tuned =)
Mohit Gangrade
@dashatraveller Can you give me a link to the page in the screenshot that reads "Following Dreams"? :)
Daria Suvorova
@mohitgangrade Sure, Mohit, no problem) It is one of our hand-made collections over here:
Simon Bromberg
Great design, very smooth and fast. The links to streaming services are a nice touch. Similar to Letterboxd, but I like how much faster it is. Is there an app yet / coming? Just a bit annoying to migrate if you use similar services already. Also would be nice if there were separate buttons for add to watchlist and add to watch, so that you don't have to click twice to add a movie to your list of watched movies. (Especially on the detail popup for an individual movie where you have more space). Also once I saw a bug where movies on a particular detail page in the "See also" section show up as "In watched" no matter what when you hover over them, but didn't happen again.
Daria Suvorova
@shimmb Hello, Simon! It’s nice to see your feedback and question. Yes, we are definitely planning to make an app soon, it is coming) As for the buttons - we will consider separate buttons as one of the variants. We have made our interface as simple as possible because the main feature for most of the users is Watchlist, of course. As for the bug - we will do our best to find and fix it asap. Thank you for the info!
Simon Bromberg
@dashatraveller Do you have any plans for adding intelligent suggestions based on your watched list?
Daria Suvorova
@shimmb Answering your first question, adding intelligent suggestions is a huge task, that seems to be pretty promising. We will try to implement it in the future for sure)
Daria Suvorova
@shimmb As for the links to Wikipedia, we’ve already planned on implementing the blocks of the real people, who are represented as the characters in the movies. And there will definitely be the links to Wikipedia for these people) Thank you for your questions, Simon! =)
Nataliia Chukhan
I love collections of movies on Hubbos! This is really the work with the passion! <3
Daria Suvorova
@nikoha_n Thanx, Nataliia! Check out my personal collections as well, when you'll have time to) They are my preeecious ;)
Csaba Kissi
Nice design and great search capability 👍
Daria Suvorova
@csaba_kissi A thousand thanks, Csaba! Is there something we can improve in your opinion?)
Julien Le Coupanec
This is hoooot!! :)
Daria Suvorova
@lecoupa Oh, Julien, it is! Thank you, finally we know how to describe it to our friends :)
James Wahba
Looks cool. I just downloaded 2 similar apps (MightyTV and Letterboxd) and I've already invested some time creating my collections and rating movies. how is this different/better?
Daria Suvorova
@jameswahba Hello, James! Thank you for your input! If it weren’t for Hubbos, I would have ended up doing the same thing that you did - one app (website), then another and so on and so forth, infinitely. We are focused on design, minimalism and usability. This is the case when you really want to stop your quest with movie platforms. If you are in with these three points, you’ll choose Hubbos for sure as well ;)
Wow, awesome looking site! Love the barebones simple Top 250 list too.
Daria Suvorova
@just2jays Thank you, JJ! Top 250 is my favorite thing as well =)
Sergey Blyudov
Hey, guys! My congratulations. Hubbos looks awesome right now. It was great to be a part of your team previously!
@blyudovsergey thank you! You did a great job for us!
Roberto Carrillo
Hey, guys! Loved that it looks like you are in a movie theater with that black background. I’d love to come back, but do you guys have a plan to get Mexico in it? I noticed that Fandango service is limited just to US users. Are you planning to add some services if I’m moving around the world?
@roca1967 It's a great question. It is not that easy to make a global movie project because of the different local streaming services and stores. But we are working on it, it is ahead. Thanks for you feedback and question!
Ron Valderrama
This product looks great. I noticed several films my company streaming that don't show us as a streaming option. Would love to see @StreamNowPRO added on the platform.
Daria Suvorova
@streamnowceo Hey, Ron! It's nice to hear from you, thanks! We will definitely consider adding your service on our website. Our plan is to add a lot of new streaming channels in the near future =)
Stowe Boyd
This may change my life
Daria Suvorova
@stoweboyd Hello, Stowe! Great to hear from you!) What did you mean, is it good?)
Adam Churcher
Loving the simplicity of the site. Just curious, are the Netflix and Amazon filters for US region only? Nothing hurts like finding a film you really want to watch and not being able to watch it on our UK services 😢
@cameradam_ Hello, Adam! You are so right! We are working on it right now. There are some big issues to do that, but we will keep on going.
@cameradam_ and yes, our Netflix and Amazon links are for US, but sometimes they might work for other contries
Chris A.
What would you say makes your product different from Movieo?
Daria Suvorova
@plurnt Hey, Chris! Movieo is a thorough and qualitative project. We have our own vision with focus on beautiful design and super sexy UX ;) Those, who stand for this, will find Hubbos just spot on. Thanks for your input!
Chris A.
@dashatraveller Thank you for the response Daria. I love the Movieo UI personally, are there any other reasons I should use your website over theirs or ways your vision differs?
Daria Suvorova
@plurnt Well, each person is free to choose whatever is closer to his own vision and tastes. When one is not sure, if he should use Hubbos or not, probably, there is no point in trying to make him think differently) To tell the truth, we haven’t analyzed Movieo in details yet and, apparently, will not be able to come up with a competent answer right now) We can only promise that we will look through it in the near future and do our best to have those reasons for you, eventually =)
Mubashar Ali
I don't know whether it is a Movie Recommendation Engine! But It looks pretty and helpful.
Daria Suvorova
@mubashar_ali Thank you, Mubashar)