Hello product hunters. My name's Travis and I am on the Internationalization team of Factory (factory.co). We put this playbook together from all our learnings while building Factory Berlin in the hopes that it will help others building coworking spaces for technology companies (as well as for ourselves). We created this as a PDF download (http://www.factory.co/playbook/F...) and licensed it under Creative Commons because we believe that the more spaces built for innovation in the world, the more disruptive and ultimately better the world will become. We believe entrepreneurs are the driving force for the betterment of our world and anyway we can help them is our duty. Please let us know what you think of it and we welcome any challenges to our ideas. Also a major thank you to Gallereplay (gallereplay.com) for the amazing Cinemagraphs that we used.
@ryanshook Hey Ryan. We build flexible real estate for startups from 2 to 200 people and try and build enough common space/event space/cafe space for the companies to mingle and naturally foster networks between entrepreneurs. The thing that is unique about the way we approach a building and manage its tenants versus a traditional real estate development firm is that we make sure the space and contracts are flexible for companies that grow (and shrink) quickly. There's a lot more to it, but that's the basis. Oh, and we don't do it on contract. We build the space and companies come to us to be part of it. We try and curate only the best entrepreneurs.