Mikael Kapanaga

Hourly - Take more control of your time

Meet Hourly, an app for those who get paid by the hour and for everyone wanting more control over time.

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Mikael Kapanaga
Hey there! I’m a designer of Hourly. Let's be honest: there’s plenty of time trackers on earth. But we miss some things in them: simple navigation, less hard-work-no-play approach, fewer features (really, we don’t need that many, we don’t use all of that). So we made an app called Hourly, and we made it as simple as possible. There are just three buttons in the tab bar: ➕to create a task; ⚫️to see the list of tasks in progress and to pause, resume, or finish any of them; ⬛️to get results per day and per month—helpful in making a report for an employer or in future scheduling. We know how boring time tracking sometimes can be. That’s why, apart from simplicity, we’ve created many animation tricks and tons of unique pictures shown when a task is finished. These special things inspire to close more tasks, remind to take a break, or just make one smile. Our users call Hourly easy to use, minimalistic, and funny. We’re very proud of it! It will be great if you try Hourly too. And, of course, we’re here for your feedback.
Mikael Kapanaga
@pregenun Thanks a lot! Unfortunately Hourly currently works with iPhone only. We are collecting feedback to understand how big the demand is among the Android and Mac users. We'll keep in mind your vote!
@kapanaga I really think this will be used a lot among android users, crazy desings btw, do you have dribbble?
Jorge R Felix
@kapanaga @pregenun If this was on Android today i would totally use it!
Mikael Kapanaga
@pregenun Thanks for "crazy design"! Still I don't have an account on Dribble (not sure why)
Mikael Kapanaga
@jorgerfelix Thanks for letting us know! We'll keep your vote in mind!
Rahul Kulkarni
Would love an Android version of the app
Mikael Kapanaga
@rocketrahul Your vote is counted, thanks!
Mikael Kapanaga
@swiftpolar Thanks! Your vote is counted too!
Dex TheDev
I would love a web app for this!
Mikael Kapanaga
@dex_thedev We'd love that too! :–) But now Hourly works with iPhone only.
Very useful product, but more useful as a desktop app.
Mikael Kapanaga
Thanks a lot for your feedback! There are several reasons why we chose iOS for our app. First, while it may be good to keep a phone apart from a working place, people get used to rely on notes, reminders and other iPhone features during their work. So it’s natural to place Hourly among these features. The second reason is that we do not always work on computers. There are meetings and answering emails from a phone at lunchtime, so the iPhone seems a more universal device to count every minute of work. Also, we want Hourly to help not only with work tasks, but with measuring time spent on chatting, commuting, shopping – you name it. That’s why we’ll be glad if you give Hourly a chance!
Fabio Bracht
@kapanaga Than an Apple Watch version would make 100% complete sense, would you agree?
Mikael Kapanaga
@fabiobracht Oh, yes, you are absolutely right! We're working on it ;–)
Christopher Lee
really beautiful design. what sets this apart from other time-tracking apps other than that though?
Mikael Kapanaga
@christopher_lee4 Thank you! We believe that it's less difficult to use and more entertaining to work with. Find more in my first comment!
Debarati Ghosh
A good time management tool.
Mikael Kapanaga
@debarati_ghosh Thank you! I’m glad you like it!
Sharath Kuruganty
Bold, simple and useful. Love it.
Lucas Glenn

Killer app! Looking forward to seeing the benefits of long-term use!


Bold, simple, useful. I like not having distracting features. I don't need a burndown chart based on a tagging scheme, thank you.


The square/circle icons are confusing, usability-wise. And the illustrations are too much with already bold typography.

Denis Shershnev
Awesome @kapanaga ! You've done a great job!
Fabio Bracht
I don't get why so many productivity apps that deal with time don't have Apple Watch versions. This would be ideal for the Apple Watch, as I *do* want to track work time, but I also *do* want to minimize phone interaction while I work.
Mikael Kapanaga
@fabiobracht I can't speak for the others, but we think the same as you!
Fabio Bracht
@kapanaga Nice! Thanks for the fast answer. I'll keep the app installed so I can be in the know when the Watch app hits.
Nathan Decker
An awesome time management tool, like it
I like the brutalist design!
Ajay C Thomas
Nice UX. It’s simple and easy to use. I think an export option is much needed after using it for some days
Mikael Kapanaga
@ajay_c_thomas Thanks! We have export in our road map. Will do it definitely!
John Lasak
I'm excited to try this out today. I will let you know what I think! I haven't used a time tracking app before, so this should be interesting.
John Lasak
@kapanaga two tasks completed and I am really enjoying this so far. Upvoted! My only feedback is probably what others have already said: 1. Ability to export would be nice, or even expanding into some sort of web dashboard like Fitbit and other trackers do (obviously a big enhancement, but I think this would be really neat) 2. Ability to add a task but not immediately start tracking it. Example: having a Start/Add button instead of just Start. This wasn't a big deal, because you can start and immediately stop it. I'm honestly not even sure if it would be worth adjusting your UI for this because of that reason but, yea... I really like the app and will be using it moving forward :)
Mikael Kapanaga
@jayel Thanks for the feedback! 1. We'll raise the priority of export implementation. 2. As for this point, we have a big dilemma here. Some of our users want to start tasks right away, and some, including you, don't. Meanwhile we don’t want to make more than one button, as it can complicate the interface, and we love simplicity. I will honestly say that I have not yet come up with a good solution to this, but I will do my best.
Akash Gheewala
@jayel @kapanaga possibly implement a long press/3D touch with the same button for different functionalities?
Mikael Kapanaga
@akashbgosh Hmmm, actually not a bad idea! There is only one problem: how should users know about it? But I'll try to solve it! Thanks for the tip!
Isabelle wright
Really gorgeous design.
Kółko Krzyżyk
No Android, no webapp, no synch. Little to simple for me. I like starting task on mobile and checking reports on desktop. Prefer Primaerp
Mikael Kapanaga
@kolko_krzyzyk It’s good if you have something to use already and you like it! Currently our app works on iPhone only, but it’s just for now.
Dominik Sobe
I love the simplicity of the app and your design approach. It is really refreshing to see people go for unusual design patterns!
Mikael Kapanaga
@sobedominik Thank you for the kind words, Dominik!
Sounds interesting,waiting for the Android version to test it out
Mikael Kapanaga
@ntotao Thanks! Your vote is counted.
0,78h ?? seriously? it can show the time in minutes?
Mikael Kapanaga
@erikmenhaim Yeah, sure! Hourly can show the time in two formats: 1) decimal hours (useful for those who get paid by the hour) and 2) hours and minutes (by default). You can switch counter's format from one to another by taping on the time in the task.