Thanks so much for the Hunt @chrismessina, and hello Product Hunt!
Hound is the voice search & assistant app from the team at SoundHound Inc. After years of development behind the scenes, we're excited to announce that it's now available for download on both iOS and Android in the US.
Hound is the first consumer product to utilize the Speech-to-Meaning recognition technology from our voice-enabling platform, Houndify.
This makes Hound different:
- Extremely fast and accurate responses
- Speak naturally, no need to speak in keyword phrases
- Follow-up to filter, sort, or add more information so you can be specific
You can also use it hands-free by saying, "Ok Hound…"
Hound is constantly improving and expanding with new data to provide more answers on a wider variety of search queries. In this launch, we’re also pleased to highlight partnerships with Uber and Yelp, enabling users to order an Uber car or access Yelp’s business listings by speaking to Hound naturally, as if they’re speaking to another person.
We believe that voice interaction will eventually become the preferred means of communication with devices, and we aim to make this simple, effective, and enjoyable for people.
We’ll be answering questions today, and you can always contact us for support. We look forward to hearing feedback from this incredible community.
Thank you!
As we @adorilabs work on transforming audio experiences, and absolutely love the power of voice interfaces, we want congratulate the Soundhound team. Yes, lots of biggies working in this space, but kudos for their perseverance and hard work over so many years. We are excited about trying their developer API in interesting ways.
@kartikparija@adorilabs Thank you! As you know this type of work does take perseverance but is very rewarding when you see the difference it can make in people's lives. Congrats to your team as well on everything you're building - we look forward to seeing what you do with Houndify, keep us posted.
@abgeorgiana Thanks Andi. We are getting close to releasing alpha and need all the good wishes we can get. And would be great to have access to some TLC when we do start playing around with Hound/Houndify. Perhaps you will help us connect with the right folks within Hound at the right time. Cheers!
@kartikparija@adorilabs That's awesome Kartik. I work on Houndify, the Voice Recognition Developer API so feel free to ping me if you have questions, or just use the Contact form on
@ninthart Hi Brad, we do want to expand beyond the US. This will take some time to get just right but it's a priority. We had to start somewhere, though. :) Thank you for your interest, and please stay tuned.
Wow, I can't believe Hound wasn't hunted until now. Was it even out or was that just a beta app? :)
Anyways, it's insanely accurate and fast, in some areas it runs circles around competition (and that's coming from someone who says "OK Google" minimally 5-6 times a day)!
@abgeorgiana Is there a plan to create or integrate ( I believe there is a Hound SDK and Hound API) with another launcher and get a "Google Now" thing going on ?
I'd love to use it as a replacement, but would miss my left drawer :)
@ianissoawesome@abgeorgiana Love that you are a super early adopter and want to be able to launch Hound natively. On some Android devices, you can select Hound as your default voice service. (Would love if you find yourself saying "Ok Hound,...." 5-10x a day : ) Please send us more thoughts and feedback, particularly keen to hear any new use-cases you'd like to see live soon. Than you.
@gregjwww Hey Greg - we are just waiting for a few pieces to land so we can bring the full functionality of Hound to other countries. We didn't want to ship a product that only had a subset of features compared to the US version. So stay tuned!
@gregjwww For example, location data in different countries. If we don't have a lot of location data, we won't be able to answer queries like "find coffee shops that have free wifi around me" very well, and the product will suffer as a result. That's one example. But since UK is an english-speaking country, the language models will work well there.
@tilomitra Great to hear, makes complete sense. Looking forward to being an early UK user, I'll keep my eyes open. Good look scraping and pulling together all that data, I'm sure you'll do a great job.
Maybe it's just me, but I can't seem to find the app on the Apple App Store. I know I can just click the 'Get It' link on this post but I like to actually search for apps just like a user would. When I search for 'Hound', I get a ton of SoundHound-like apps but I don't see this app.
@fbara just look up SoundHound, scroll to and tap Developer Apps (at the bottom of the page), there you will see all apps by SoundHound Inc. (including Hound app)
@abgeorgiana@moxlustAs@katiemc___ : As far it's interface and features are concerned, It's looks and feels awesome but It says "This app is incompatible with all of your devices." on Play store . Is it not available in India yet?
@niteshmanav@moxlustas@katiemc___ Hi Nitesh, not yet. Please stay tuned, as we do intend to expand, we just want to do it right. Thanks for your interest!
@teecycletim As a power user of voice assistants, we are eager to hear more about your experience - please let us know what you think as you spend more time with Hound.
Holy crap! This is awesome. As someone who has over 1000 apps on her phone (no I'm not proud of this 😳 ), it's quite difficult to make my home screen, but I'm trying it out. Seamless!
@melissamonteee Fantastic! Thank you Melissa, that means a lot. Sounds like you try many apps, and know what works for you - thanks for giving us a shot and do let us know how it's working for you.
@nrpalao Hi Néstor, we do want to make Hound widely available, it just takes some time to make all features work across all locations and languages and we want all experiences to be as great as possible. Please stay tuned!
I can't believe how fast and accurate this is. I also can't believe they could do it this well and Apple (Siri) and Microsoft (Cortana) seem to struggle so much to get it right. This is really impressive.
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