Hopely is a search engine with a passion for good causes. With every search we donate half of all generated advertising revenues to charities. It's free of cost!
@searchonhopely The bangs, obviously. I don't use DDG as a search engine, I always use the !g and !gfr (for Google FR) to search on Google. I use a lot !a for Amazon too. https://duckduckgo.com/bang
@ahaanpandit thanks for this usefull search engine. I wonder a few things;
-How do get search results? I mean which search engine's core used behind Hopely?
- Is it accurate for Turkish search results?
- What's your methodology about sharing revenue?
- What's difference between Hopely and Ecosia?
@ahaanpandit@firatdemirel Hi Fırat, thanks for your questions!
- We use bing. For now.
- Yes, it should be because we get your language settings through your Browser language. Nevertheless, we are currently working on a drop-down to enable the search language to be changed manually.
- We distribute half of all our advertising revenues to charities. No funky profit sharing or other shenanigans. We decide how to distribute the payout by looking at how many users chose what cause.
- Ecosia is currently focused on planting trees, while we support 3 different causes:
1. food and water relief;
2. medical help (Points 1 and 2 are both especially helpful after humanitarian crises and natural catastrophes such as hurricanes, droughts, and wars);
3. nature and animal-related projects (such as oil spills, endangered species, etc.).
@katrynvonfelsen Haha thanks Ktryn, don't feel bad about it. Is there a specific thing that you dislike or think we could do better? We would love to use community feedback to make Hopely better!
@hristiyandodov I think the idea came from Ecosia (they plant trees with their search engine ad revenue), but still nice to see another company that's out there to give.
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