Nick O'Neill

Honey - Beautiful enterprise social network.


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Zain Abiddin
Just started using it. Looks super sleek. Thinking of using it as a company wiki!
Nick O'Neill
Been hearing a lot about this from investors.
Nathan Baschez
Interesting - do you have any idea how it compares to Yammer? cc @jasonyogeshshah
Ryan Hoover
I played with this ~3 months ago after discovering it in a comment thread on Ryan Carson's blog. It's well designed but I didn't see a use for it myself. Inc ( is also very similar (@nchirls submitted it on linkydink a while ago).
Nick O'Neill
@nbashaw nope, I'm definitely curious though. I know Yammer's mobile experience isn't exactly phenomenal though.
Adam Lieb
We use this. I wouldn't call it much of a comparison to Yammer (although maybe it will grow up to be). It is basically just a link sharing service (that can be private or public). Pretty comparable to Inc (which I've also used). I got sick of article sharing via email or hipchat and wanted a dedicated place to keep things. Honey ended up being the best solution I could find. I'd recommend it as a private link sharing service, but frankly not much more than that.